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"Michael?" Lisa groaned, rolling her eyes, "What could you possibly want? I was trying to sleep."

"Bullshit," Michael scoffed, pushing past Lisa and entering her room. Again, Lisa rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her. "You and I both know you weren't sleeping."

Michael literally threw himself on top of Lisa's bed and patted the seat beside him, motioning her to sit down next to him, she reluctantly did so, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"So? Why were you knocking on my door right now?" Lisa asked, frustration and discrete anger lacing her tone.

"I'm... sorry?" Michael said hesitantly, which obviously wasn't good enought for Lisa.

"You're sorry, okay, that's cool, you're forgiven, now can you please go?" Lisa didn't actually mean the part where he was forgiven, he clearly wasn't but she didn't want to be with him right now. Maybe she was overreacting, but it honestly upset her and she couldn't do anything about it other than being angry for a bit, and the best way to do that was by being alone, which was what she wanted, but not what she was getting, causing her to get more agitated.

"I really am sorry," Michael repeated, "I just... I don't know... It felt weird having a guy talking to you and possibly expecting something from you, I don't know, I guess I got protective, but can you really blame me? It's not every day I see my best friend hitting it off with a dude, so I felt weird,"

The more Michael thought about it, the more he knew what he was really feeling. Jealousy. It wasn't necessarily romantic jealousy, but jealousy nonetheless. Michael had known Lisa for quite a while already, how is it that a random guy managed to get the only kind of attention Michael didn't get from Lisa? Whether it was for entertainment purposes or not, he felt weird about it.

It wasn't that he wanted to receive that type of attention from Lisa, but he did want to know what it felt like. Not only that, but he wasn't entirely convinced that Lisa was just trying to provoke a reaction out of the guy.

He didn't even know how to explain it, after all, he was still slightly buzzed and his thoughts were a little more jumbled than usual, even if this little argument with Lisa was sobering him up quicker than anything.

Lisa sighed, "Michael, I don't care that you were being protective, that is actually very sweet of you, what I didn't - and still don't - feel comfortable with was the way you said I flirted with a guy. It was very... demeening and offensive, and you almost sounded like my parents, and honestly, if that's how you are when you're protective, then please don't be protective over me, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't enjoy it."

Michael felt the biggest pang of guilt. He knew he was being a douche back there and he knew it was upsetting Lisa, but he kept on pushing the subject nonetheless. With what particular purpose? None. He only managed to get Lisa upset and ultimately, making himself upset.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so, so, sorry, Lisa," He chanted, "I didn't want to make you feel that way, I'm such a shit friend, oh my god," Michael covered his face with his hands in frustration, rubbing his fingers on his forehead.

"You're not a shit friend," Lisa placed her hand on Michael's back reassuringly. How unbelievably ironic that she was the one who was originally upset and she's the one doing the comforting, "You just don't... express yourself correctly sometimes, and I'm not going to lie to you, Michael, I'm way past that, but you were a grade A douche, but that's okay, I'm a douche sometimes too."

Michael let out a low chuckle, finally uncovering his face, "But are you a grade A douche?"

"No," Lisa giggled, "You got me beat on that one, I'm a grade B douche."

"You're really lame, you know that?" Michael laughed.

He loved these little moments he sometimes shared with Lisa, where they just jokingly insulted each other, he loved being playful around her, and he loved when she was playful around him.

"And you know you're still not forgiven, right?" Lisa retaliated playfully to which Michael groaned.

"What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?" 

"Oh, Mikey, there's nothing you can do, it's already been set in stone, you're not going to be forgiven, not now, not ever."

"You sure about that?" Michael smirked devilishly, a little plan forming in his head.


"Then I guess I'm going to do the thing you hate the most in the world since you're not going to forgive me anyway."

Lisa's eyes flashed with panic, "No, no, no, no, don't you dare, Michael Gordon, don't you fucking dare."

He shrugged, "It's too late anyway to earn your forgiveness, isn't it?" And with that, he attacked her sides with tickles, making Lisa squirm and giggle, trying to pry Michael off of her.

"Michael, stop!" She said in between breaths.

"I'll stop if you forgive me!" Michael laughed along with her, still tickling her.

Lisa tried to resist for as long as she could, but eventually, she grew tired and had enough causing her to exasperate a defeated, "Fine, fine, you win, Michael, you win, you're forgiven,"

And that was enough to make Michael stop.

"Are we best friends again?" He asked hopefully.

"Let's take things slow, Michael, you don't want to scare me off." 

"Says the girl whose first words to me literally were 'Nice Cobain shirt' and then running off to God knows were,"

"Yeah but you were the one who chased me," Lisa pointed out.

"It was my first day!" Michael whined, "I wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity of having a friend,"

"And boy, do I regret ever becoming that friend."

"Hey, I never forced you to be joined by the hip to me."

"Yeah, you didn't force me, but you didn't give me much of a choice either,"

"Oh, shut up, we're the best."

"We are, aren't we?"


a/n: i hate the way i end this chapters  but idc i want a best friend like michael minus the tickling if you tickle me i will punch you ok just a heads up hope you liked it bye

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