Chapter 2 Welcome to Beacon

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"Everyone, you are free to move. I repeat you are free to move."

Hearing that announcement over the intercom, dozens of teenagers and young adults unleashed the seatbelts that kept them safe, allowing each one to stand up freely. Many of them had begun conversing with one another, neither caring for the view or the others in the aircraft.

One of those few occupants was a girl wearing a black combat outfit lined with a red hem. Her boots were laced up tightly with wide-based, short heels while her dress was held close to her body by the corset around her torso. Though what caught the attention of a few others was the large bag slung across her body filled with items that only she had known and a folded up weapon attached to one of two belts she had worn.

Despite the odd looks from the unarmed passengers, she simply looked out the window and watched over the passing skyline. 'I won't be back here until next year.' She thought, recalling a few memories when she saw certain buildings. 'Unless Cinder screws up again,' she added with a sigh.

"Hey, aren't you a bit young for a Beacon student?" Someone shouted, which caused Ruby to immediately find the source. And right behind her was a dark-skinned young man a head taller than Ruby. "Beacon isn't a place for kids, you know." He spoke with concern laced into his voice.

"Don't worry. The headmaster let me go two years early and has already seen me fight." She answered him, taking a few steps until she was just passed him. "He wouldn't send children into a warzone, would he?" She whispered before leaving the blind man near the window.

'A warzone?' He thought, closing his whitened-out eyes. 'What do you mean by that?'

'Your semblance is telepathy?' The small girl thought, hearing the thoughts of the blind man.

'Yeah, it lets me see things as other people do.' He responded with his eyes still closed. 'But what did you mean by sending children into a warzone?'

'You'll learn soon. You just have to look underneath the underneath.' She walked away, off to another window once she had given her response telepathically. When she had left, the blind man stared blankly out the window and thought to himself since he couldn't exactly see the view.

Across the aircraft, Ruby took one more glance at the skyline of Vacuo. Then, taking up one of the many empty seats, the battle-ready girl leaned back against the wall and promptly fell asleep.

Hours later, many of the Beacon students had fallen asleep or began playing a game on his or her scroll. Then, a beep was made and a pair of crossing lines appeared on every screen. "Passengers, please sit down and put on your seatbelts. We will be approaching Beacon shortly." The pilot announced over the intercom.

Soon enough, the aircraft rumbled and stopped completely, waking the few who had somehow remained asleep through the entire trip. One of those was Ruby, but she had contemplated going back to sleep when she had been woken up.

Nonetheless, she forced herself up and pulled on her tattered hood, covering the crimson tips of her hair. "Thank you for attending Beacon, everyone. Please pick up your luggage to the right and be in the auditorium in half an hour for the entrance ceremony." Hearing those words, Ruby stepped into the small crowd near the exit and followed the crowd until she had received her worn-out black duffle bag.

Stepping away from the crowd of former Vacuo residents, the short girl quickly zipped open her duffle bag, checking its contents. 'Nothing's changed.' She thought before zipping it closed. 'If the ceremony's in half an hour, I have time to go people-watching.'

Immediately after that thought, an explosion went off. From what? Probably irresponsible teenagers. Speaking of irresponsible teenagers, Ruby ran straight toward the explosion, even if it was across the courtyard.

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