Chapter 11 Suspicions

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Welcome to Chapter 11 and the start of a new arc! Sorry for my week of silence, but I've made sure to keep a 'quality' chapter ready. 

Without further ado, let's begin!

~ Double Agent; Part 1 ~

"Weiss, you know we don't have to be here, right?" Yang groaned, glaring daggers into the back of the Ice Queen's head. Though Blake would have done the same if she hadn't brought one of her books along with her.

"We came here to welcome the new students! Show some hospitality, you dolt!" She shouted back, quickening her pace. Shrugging at the response, Yang and Blake just kept following her through the docks.

Staying along a straight path they were on, the small group let all forms of conversation simmer into nothing. Instead, Blake kept reading her book and Yang was scrolling through the internet with her scroll, leaving Weiss as their guide.

Overall, an early morning trip to the docks was probably the worst way to spend the morning. Certain people could survive the overbearing odor of fresh fish, but others gagged for a few minutes. Then, certain people didn't pay attention to their surroundings and the others took in the sight of ships and hard labor with joy.

If you couldn't guess, Blake and Yang were in the first group while Weiss was in the second group.

Nevertheless, Weiss still led the two partners through the shipyard, only to see the arriving students. Unfortunately, before the three could reach the ship belonging to Vacuo, a banana peel dropped onto Weiss's face.

"Who has the nerve!?" Weiss exclaimed, tossing the banana peel behind her, only to hit Blake in the face. Not even looking up from her book, she pinched the peel and threw it away.

"Whoops, that one's my B," a blonde said, hanging upside from a lamppost right above Weiss. "Woah! What do we have here?" He spoke in a suave manner, dropping down next to Blake.

Before the newcomer could make any more advances, Blake slipped behind Yang without looking up. "I'm with her," she said, dropping the guy's mood.

Kept out of the conversation, Weiss pivoted on her heel and stomped her foot. "You Faunus bastard! How can you be so insolent!?" She began, causing the mentioned Faunus to shrink back without a busty blonde as a shield.

"Hey... No need to be so harsh," he muttered, avoiding all eye contact with the heiress, though he had no idea that she was an heiress at all.

"Giving him the full Ice Queen treatment already?" Yang jested with Blake still reading behind her. "But weren't you the one who said to show some hospitality?" She mentioned, showing off an arrogant and goofy grin as she did so.

"Oh, shut it! He started it!" She responded, pointing at the blonde's face and ignoring the abs he showed off with pride. Though that did nothing to stop her blush spreading all over her face.

Glancing from side to side, the blonde Faunus looked for support from Blake, but she just kept reading her book. Out of the only option he had, he began tiptoeing away with a silent prayer that the angry short person wouldn't notice him.

Thankfully, a lone savior walks by and becomes immediately confused by his teammate cowering in fear in front of a girl. Usually, the girls were running from him, never the other way around.

"Sun? What's going on here?"

Spotting a young man with bright blue hair, Sun leaped behind him to use him as a human shield. "Help me, Neptune!" The Faunus boy cried, pointing at Weiss.

"What makes this girl so scar— Hey, Snow Angel," Neptune spoke in a suave manner, taking a complete turn upon seeing Sun's offender. "Want to grab something to eat later?" He asked, leaning toward Weiss and pushing Sun away.

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