Chapter 10 Crimson Reaper

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Thanks for sticking with me on Ruby's journey! This will be a confusing story the more it continues, but it's better if we just begin!

~ Chapter 10: Crimson Reaper ~

"Qrow, why are we here again?" Taiyang asked with his hands behind his head. Walking through Beacon's halls wasn't his idea of fun first thing in the morning, especially when it was missing all the chattering students. Unfortunately for the blonde father, the empty hallways only brought back memories of detention with Professor Ozpin, which was hardly pleasant in all his time as a student.

Taking a brief drink from his flask, Qrow tossed his scroll over to Taiyang while it was already showing a file. "It's about your missing girl," he replied before muffling a chuckle when he heard Taiyang stop walking.

"What?" He mumbled, causing Qrow to turn around and look at his gaping face staring at the screen. "Is this all true?"

"You can ask Oz, he passed that onto me," Qrow answered before he was handed back his phone. With no other words to share, the two roamed through the hallways of Beacon until they reached the base of the watchtower.

Taking a glance at each other, both Qrow and Taiyang stepped into the enclosed space and waited for it to stop at the very top of the watchtower. Hearing a ding and seeing the doors slide open, both men stepped out with an eye lingering on Ozpin's figure rather than the blonde professor at his side.

Stepping closer, Glynda matched their wary look as she spread five files across the table and kept one in her arms. Looking at the scruffy man, she gave him a knowing look before gesturing toward Ozpin, bringing their attention to the aged headmaster.

"As you both know, we have some very important discoveries that need to be looked over," he began, noticing the two stiffen up at the mention of the discoveries. "But first, in these five folders are five criminals that are linked to Salem. They are Roman Torchwick, Neo Politan, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, and Cinder Fall."

"If I recall, Cinder Fall was the one who took the Fall Maiden's powers, right?" Taiyang interrupted while trying to keep all five of those names in his head.

"Yes, she has taken the Fall Maiden's powers," he answered in a low tone before taking the last file from Glynda and opening it on top of all the others. "Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be our biggest concern."

Peering over at the new file, both of the former teammates realized who this new threat was and neither was pleased by it.

"Ruby Rose, otherwise known as the Crimson Reaper to her victims," Glynda spoke aloud, wiping away the lingering doubts within the heads of the Hunters.

Raising his head, Taiyang still held a doubtful expression on his face and asked Ozpin, "How can you be so sure? What has she done?"

Before answering, both Glynda and Ozpin glanced at each other, the former more expressive of her concern by far. Unfortunately, Glynda took it upon herself to explain the threat that Ruby posed.

Spreading out Ruby's papers, the woman showed the record each kingdom had on her deeds and crimes. The first one was nearly empty and was from Vale. Though the second was filled more with accusations that had never passed through Vacuo's unorganized mess. Yet the last two were both twice as long as the one from Vacuo, but neither held any solid pieces of evidence that were brought up.

"As you can see, she has an extensive criminal record and eludes everyone with her speed."

"What about the Hunters and Huntresses? Surely a group of them could capture her," Taiyang interrupted, only to gain an annoyed glare from Glynda.

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