Chapter 17 Plan E

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~ Double Agent; Part 7 ~

Beneath the streets of Glenn, Ruby remained still. She was still strapped to the cold metal chair and blindfolded, alerting her honed survival instincts. Every fiber of her being screamed to rip the restraints on her. Yet she kept sitting still. Not even her fear would ruin this task, though it has done so countless times before.

Then, there was a click and the clanging of metal. Somewhere off to her right, but muffled. Was the video over? Or did one of the Fang mess up during the recording? She was sure the latter was impossible, especially since most of the Fang had been moved out of the area while this phase of the mission was underway. Although it had been entirely possible still.

"Alright, show's over!"

Roman's voice. The man's voice eased Ruby's instincts, despite him never having eased her before. Now, the only problem was that she was still tied up.

Thankfully, someone had untied the cloth around her head, allowing her to see the dimmed room. After that, the same person untied the ropes and threw it into a pile. Stretching out her back, Ruby only took a single glance at Salem.

"Did you have to be so rough?" She complained while looking for her cloak. When it was nowhere to be found, she turned back to the witch. "You're too strong for your own good," she whimpered, rubbing one of her many bruises.

"If I was any weaker, I would need Tyrian to be watching you more often. Would you like that?" Salem taunted with a smile resting on her bleached features. "Though within the next fortnight, you will be nearing my strength. Save for my other abilities, of course. Gaining those is impossible nowadays."

Rolling her eyes, Ruby added, "Because we mortals can only imitate you with our Dust. Yeah, yeah, I've heard it dozens of times."

Brushing past the mortal, Salem opened the door to the small room. "I'm glad you know that by heart. Otherwise, I'd punish you for ignoring ten years of training." She threatened, her smile gaining a hint of sadistic glee.

Eyes widening, Ruby kept her mouth shut. She remembered the few times Salem had to punish her followers. Even now, she can barely stomach it. Torture. Grimm Conversion. Amputation. You name a punishment and Salem has likely done it to someone.

Shaking her head, the young girl followed Salem out of the room. Now, she was in a subway tunnel where the next phase of the plan would begin. Though, instead of hunting the grunts, Salem guided her follower into another room.

Barely stepping into the door, Ruby crashed into the wall with a mute criminal hugging the life out of her. Unable to resist, the black-haired girl just let it happen.

"Torchwick, correct?" Salem asked, ignoring her follower's plight. The ginger simply dipped his hat and bowed mockingly. "Good job with the video. I can sense fear growing already."

"A pleasure, your Majesty," he replied, holding back a snicker. "But aren't we missing some people?"

Taking her seat at the head of the table, Salem nodded. "Yes, Cinder and the rest of her faction will be arriving momentarily. Then we shall proceed with the rest of the plans."

"Got it!" Roman took his seat at the far end of the table toward Salem's left. Whether it was planned or out of fear, only Roman would know.

Following the two's example, Neo sat to Roman's right. Near the head of the table, Ruby sat directly to Salem's right. She went so far as to scoot her chair closer, both to be close to her and to be farther from Neo.

Within minutes, the last three members arrived in the meeting room. Cinder chose the seat to the left of Salem, across from Ruby. Standing to her left were Emerald and Mercury, both straying away from the witch.

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