Chapter 12 Shipyard Surprise

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Since I have nothing to say, let's get the show started!

~ Double Agent; Part 2 ~


Without a second thought, Blake grabbed her sheathed blade from her hip and leaped toward the redhead White Fang leader. Amidst her fury, she could only see the blurry figures of Ruby and Roman stepping away from Adam, both drawing upon their weapon of choice.

Nevertheless, Blake struck down on Adam, who drew his own blade to defend himself. When the two blades clashed, sparks flew around the two fighters and the sound of metal-on-metal rung through every pair of ears in the shipyard, causing any grunt to draw a weapon if he or she did not already do so.

Twisting his blade and swinging upward, Adam redirected Blake's weapon away from marring his figure and kicked her in the stomach. Once Blake had been knocked away, the Bull Faunus sheathed his shining blade and gazed down at the form of Ruby's teammate.

"You've grown strong, Blake," he admitted while he sauntered over to her. Stomping on her wrist, he kicked her blade out of reach before lifting his boot. Then, he grabbed her by her hair, lifting her up until her toes were dangling above the cold concrete she had been laying on. "But you're still a scared little girl."

In a burst of crimson, Blake's blurry vision could make out the visage of Ruby's hooded face. But at her chest, she could feel the cold metal of Ruby's scythe pressing against her while the blade slit into Adam's chest. "Care to say that BS again?" Ruby spoke in a low tone. "Or will I have to reign in the bull by its horns?"

Scoffing at the threat, Adam raised his other hand, only leading to Ruby's scythe sinking deeper into his chest, drawing a line of warm, crimson blood. "Let me show you what she's been hiding."

With a single swipe, Adam tore off Blake bow, letting everyone see the feline ears resting on top of her head. Smirking, Adam dropped Blake onto the ground, yet still felt Ruby's blade digging into his chest.

"You think I didn't know?" She asked, pressing her fist against his back. "I was trained to hunt down anyone in the world. A simple bow wouldn't trick me."

All of a sudden, Ruby felt something poke her back. It was circular with a hollow center, so she could only assume she was at gunpoint. Although she already knew who had his sights set on her.

"Sorry, Little Red, but I need him alive," Roman began pressing his cane further into Ruby's ribcage. "So if you don't mind, let him go." He ended in a lower tone, clearly threatening the young girl.

"And if I do mind?" She asked in a cold manner, sending a chill down Blake's spine, who was left to watch the events unfold with her Aura nearly broken. "What then, hotshot?"

Humming for a moment, Roman let loose a sadistic sneer directed at Ruby's head. "Then I'll just have to put down one of Salem's lapdogs," he laughed out, causing Blake to reel back from the three.

For a moment of silence, Blake watched the Adam smirk at her and swore that his eyes sparkled for a second. Behind him, Ruby gripped her scythe harder from the shadow of her cloak, but that glint in her eyes startled Blake more than Adam had ever done. Finally, Roman wore his arrogant smirk with pride as he kept his cane's tip trained on the team leader.

In the blink of an eye, Ruby had dispersed into a stream of crimson energy, flying about before a gunshot rang out. Following that, the clash of metal sounded again when Ruby's scythe blocked Adam's sword.

Leaping back, Blake could see the slash across Ruby's scythe in the corner of her eye. Before she could even find anything else, the cloaked girl discarded the object and slammed her arms together, ejecting blades into her hands.

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