Chapter 14 Mountain Glenn

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~ Double Agent; Part 4 ~

"Everyone ready?" Yang asked her team in a subdued tone. In response, all her team did was minutely nod, though the blonde could not blame the three in the slightest. 'I can't believe all those damn people will tell us is that we're going to use Ruby as bait!' The brawler internally screamed, nearly pulling out her messier-than-usual hair.

Ignorant to the busty girl's thoughts, Weiss, Blake, and Ruby remained at their respective beds. Standing by her bed, Weiss was reloading her rapier while making sure her standby cartridges were ready. On the other side of the room, Blake was finishing up the last few pages of a book she would have to leave behind.

Finally, and most importantly, Ruby was flicking her knives around, practicing the movements until she could handle them properly. Although, the rest of her team had thought that her scythe was enough. For Ruby, adding two Dust-powered blasters and blades the length of her forearm was just an added precaution on top of all the other ones.

Nevertheless, each member of the team grabbed the small bag each had prepared for the mission. "So, who remembers where we were supposed to go?" Yang asked, stopping before she opened the door.

'Is she being serious right now?' Weiss deadpanned, unwilling to answer the innocent question.

"Aircraft docks." The youngest team member muttered, slipping past her older sister. Before the others knew it she was walking through the hall, avoiding everyone that she would have to pass.

Following after her, the three girls distanced themselves. Yang was at the forefront, keeping a lingering eye out for Ruby and an ear out for the other two. Blake was right behind Yang, though continued to spare her no words. Behind them, Weiss strolled through the hall, glaring toward her team.

In a matter of minutes, the team arrived at the docking bay reserved for Bullheads. Save for a few personal Bullheads, there was nothing to look at for anyone passing through, which left only Hunters, Huntresses, and trainees entering and leaving. With a single scan of the area, the short trainee headed toward a Bullhead settled in the corner of the bay, right next to one a pile of crates.

Approaching the vicinity, Ruby could make out the hurried footsteps of the team she was supposed to lead. Waiting on those three, she glanced toward the four adults, none of which noticed her presence. Deciding to wait it out, she honed her hearing into the conversation taking place.

"Will these two be alright, sir?" An unfamiliar man asked, raising two pairs of clunky cuffs.

Turning to the shorter man, Qrow squinted at the objects before waving his hand toward the man. "Yeah, that'll do," he lazily dismissed.

"Why do we need those cuffs?" Taiyang asked from Qrow's right, just a few feet away.

Letting out a sigh, the scruffy man answered in a forcefully droning tone. "It's a precaution that Glyn advised I should take. Just in case Ruby gets controlled or backstabs us."

"I get why," the blonde drawled out, annoyed with his brother-in-law, "but what makes you think she'll actually do so. Even if she gets back into that witch's good graces, we still have three kingdoms ready with armies. Plus, that plan of hers won't be put into action till she can at least get another maiden."

"And fire-tits is the only one she has," Qrow finished with a nickname that nearly caused Ruby to alert them by snorting. "But Oz doubts she's taking that much time with this. I mean, she's probably thought about every loophole and obstacle we could throw at her by now."

"Huh? Then aren't we just going into a trap?" Yang interrupted, turning the eyes of both Hunters over to the team of four.

Stepping closer to her sister, Ruby made eye contact with each person going on the mission for a full second. Then, breaking off eye contact with Weiss, she let out a huff. "If this was a trap, we still have two Hunters with us. But, as far as I know, Mt. Glenn is just a temporary base until the Vytal Festival."

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