Chapter 6 Team Leader

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"Yo! Ice Queen! Time to wake up!" Yang shouted, shaking the sleeping heiress's bed until she rolled out and fell to the ground. With a mischievous grin, the blonde girl lowered the bed and peeked around it to see her teammate sprawled across the floor in her nightgown.

Groaning, Weiss sat up with a scowl directed toward the one who woke her. "Why in the world did you wake me up?" She asked lazily, still sitting on the dormitory floor.

"Cause we still have to decorate!" The busty girl exclaimed, waving around a poster in one hand and her scroll in another. "Plus! Classes are in an hour!"

"An hour?" Weiss repeated, only for Blake to nod from her spot behind Yang. "Then you two can decorate, I need to get ready." The white-haired girl ordered while getting up and sauntering to the bathroom.

"Two?" Blake mumbled, gazing around the room. "Yang? Where's Ruby?"

Frantically searching the room with her eyes, Yang couldn't spot a trace of the white cloaked girl. The only thing that showed she was even in the room was her stuff sitting on top of one of the beds.

Before the blonde older sister panicked, Blake spoke, "Yang, I'll go find her. You can start decorating."

"Find her as soon as possible! We'll meet in Port's class!" Yang shouted back, seeing the black-haired girl already walking out of the room. "And don't be late!" She added just before Blake closed the door behind herself.

Tuning out any other shouts or ruckus from other team dorms, Blake unbuttoned her blazer and began walking. 'Now, if I were a mysterious girl trying to hide from her team, where would I be? Probably the roof, but that'd be too obvious. I'll try the library.' She deduced, picking up her pace and passing by a group of guys talking about the school year.

Using her very limited knowledge about the school and a map, Blake took nearly fifteen minutes just to get to the library. Thankfully, it was nearly completely empty, narrowing her search. So, walking through the numerous aisles, she found a complete series of the book she was reading but forced herself to ignore it.

Instead, she begrudgingly walked into the history section where she actually found the girl she was looking for. Why she was reading up on any kind of history? Blake didn't care to find out.

"Ruby, you were here the whole time?" Blake spoke up, getting the girl's attention away from the book in her hands.

Pulling down her hood, Ruby looked up at Blake and silently cursed about not wearing her boots after she noticed that Blake seemed even taller now. Nonetheless, she quickly shelved the book and answered Blake.

"Yeah, why? Did Yang break something?"

"Not yet," the taller girl began, reaching for the book Ruby just put back. "But we were worried when our team leader was gone when we all woke up." She finished, reading the book title that was inscribed across the spine of the book. 'The Rise of Beacon. Why does she want to learn about Beacon of all places?'

Spotting the girl reading the spine, Ruby decided to go back to combing the shelves until she pulled out another book. 'She's wary of me.' The young girl thought, turning the book around to see the back cover. "Oh, I'm just doing some research. Some stuff about Beacon and Vale since I've been stuck in Vacuo for years." She spoke, turning the book in her hands so Blake could see the cover.

'A Day in Vale.' Blake read before Ruby put the book back onto the shelf. 'She's still hiding something. Her identity was only a clue to this mystery.' At this point, Blake started to space out while in her train of thought. Unfortunately, Ruby snapped her out of her thoughts. 'I'll have to read up on the Rose family later. Maybe Yang will know something.'

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