Chapter 5 Team RWBY

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"Come on! Keep up!" Yang shouted from far ahead of the rest of the groups. With a sigh, Blake swung the ribbon of her weapon and swung from a tree branch, closing the distance between her and Yang.

Running behind the pair, Weiss looks over to Ruby and raises an eyebrow. "Aren't you going to be with Yang?" She asked, causing Ruby to turn to her.

"Why should I?" Ruby asked in return before looking at Yang and Blake who were far ahead of them. "Just because I'm her sister doesn't make me any different. You of all people should know that, especially with your older sister being a specialist in the Atlesian Military's Special Operatives Unit."

"Wait... How did you know that?" Weiss stuttered out, glaring at the side of Ruby's head. 'You better think before you speak, Ruby.'

Humming for a moment, Ruby turned back to face her and met her glare with one of her own. "I do my reading." She simply replied before taking a glance behind her. "I'll be up in the trees in case anything happens. Make sure those four," Ruby pointed to Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, and Jaune specifically, "get to the cliff."

Using her semblance, Ruby shot up to a large branch and followed the others from a distance. 'I swear that I'll be the one ordering her around once we get into our proper team.' Weiss complained, pulling out her rapier and keeping a steady, tight grip on its handle.

Ignoring Ruby's disappearance, the ones who fought the Death Stalker soon became centered between Yang and Weiss, as if the small group was a payload. Nonetheless, the entire group reached the foot of the mountain in a matter of minutes.

Now, the cliff rested far above them and all that was left in front of them was a gathering of ruins laid next to a dark chasm that had no bottom in sight. Approaching the first set of ruins, Ren and Nora scouted out some of the rubble, looking for a launchpad of sorts that would assist someone's ascent.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Pyrrha ventured to the left of the path, searching for a path straight across the chasm. Yang and Blake searched for the same on the right side while Weiss guarded the trail with an eye out for any Grimm. Though no one had seen Ruby since she disappeared into the trees.

'Damn that dolt! Where could she have gone?' Weiss shouted internally, looking to either side in hopes of seeing her partner. "Ruby! Where are you!?" She shouted out in pure frustration.

"Over here, Ice Queen."

With just a slight turn to the right, Weiss saw Ruby kneeling down on a tree branch while her sniper remained in front of her chest. "Were you there the whole time?" Weiss asked, staring at the girl in disbelief.

"No, I was just in that tree," the other girl answered, pointing to one of the many trees growing behind her. "But be careful, Grimm could pop out anywhere." She said before disappearing into the foliage once again.

'That girl is so difficult to work with.'

"Hey! I think I found a way up!" Nora shouted, attaining the attention of Weiss. When the ginger ran over, she was already bouncing from either a sugar rush or pure excitement. Only Ren really had an idea of which one it was though.

"How so?" Weiss asked, perking up her right eyebrow and crossing her arms.

Holding up her hammer, Nora pointed to a small gathering of stones and started to explain the method. "One of us can stand on one side of that rock and then I can use my hammer to hit the rock, making them fly up to the cliff with an explosion! Can we do it? It'll be so much fun!"

Glancing toward Ren, Weiss stepped back and remembered Ruby's words. Taking a moment, she eventually answered, "Fine, but get Jaune and Pyrrha here before you test it."

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