Chapter 16

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~ Double Agent; Part 6 ~

After Ruby left, Weiss turned her back to the window her partner had used. Pulling out her scroll, she called Yang and immediately heard the other line pick up.

"Ice Queen! What the hell! You let her run away!" Yang shouted with the wind whipping past her on her end. "Get your ass over here and help us find her!"

"Yang, calm down." The heiress ordered with every lingering doubt she had suppressed. "She didn't take her scythe and we can have someone track down her scroll along with her gauntlets."

"Her gauntlets aren't registered!" Yang protested with a bang sounding off on her end of the call.

"Then we track her scroll," She argued back. "Tell Blake and Qrow to get a bird's e—an overhead view. I'll get in touch with the staff at Beacon. But you and Taiyang need to search the ground."

After a few seconds of silence, Yang whispered, "Fine, just track her down quickly."

Ending the call, Weiss let out a sigh and muttered, "When Ruby gets dragged back, I'm forcing her to be leader again." Saving that comment for later, the white-haired girl hurried down the stairs and began dialing another number.

While she waited, she glanced around the room. Under a pile of the team's bags were a hint of scraped paint and a scratched handle. Knowing Ruby had left without her proper weapon, Weiss took the liberty and grabbed the weapon for safekeeping. Unfortunately, when she grabbed it, she stumbled and dropped it. Cursing the inhumane weight of the weapon, she shoved it back under the pile of bags.

"This is Professor Goodwitch."

"Ah! Professor! Ruby escaped!" Weiss exclaimed upon hearing the voice of her—arguably—favorite teacher. "She claimed to be looking for Cinder, but she left her scythe, so we all have our suspicions."

"I'll get our staff on the job. Look for any clues that she may have left behind, especially any large groups of Grimm. I'll call the entire team once we find something."

"Thank you, Professor."

Yet again, Weiss ended the call. Stuffing her scroll away, she took a glance upstairs, only to find nothing. The scythe was nothing but a useless weapon, so she left it where it was. Instead, she dug through the pile of bags.

Pulling out a black bag, the heiress rummaged through it, looking for clues. By the end of her search, all she found with spare rounds, a set of fresh clothes, and a box. Succumbing to her curiosity, she opened the box to reveal a folded up piece of paper and the pair of moon-earrings Weiss had bought for Ruby months ago.

Ignoring the jewelry, Weiss took the note and read, 'I won't be needing these anymore. Hold onto them for me. From, your partner.'

Gritting her teeth, the white-haired girl took a deep breath. She read over the note again. Before she knew it, the note was a crumpled up ball in her hands and she tossed her partner's bag back into the pile of other bags.

"She was planning on this the entire time," she muttered, dropping the note. "I should've stopped her when I had the chance." Clenching her fists, Weiss could feel her nails clawing into her skin, but she stopped herself before she began to bleed. "Now I have to fix this."

Grabbing her rapier, the heiress rushed out of her team's base and spotted a flash of white dancing between buildings, slipping past piles of rubble and the like. Wasting no time, she ran after the flash.

Meanwhile, walking out from the shadows, a dark-skinned girl loomed over the team's belongings. Digging through the pile, she swiped the clunky scythe and smirked. "Like taking candy from a baby," she quipped before sinking back into the shadows.

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