Chapter 15 Chilling Warmth

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~ Double Agent; Part 5 ~

In the midst of the afternoon, Ruby kept her trained eye looking through her sniper's scope, allowing her to gaze over every single Grimm that managed to spawn in the incomplete city. Truly, it was a marvel to look at. Any lucky Hunter or Huntress could come here and be devoured in a swarm of Grimm. Though the group below the girl's perch certainly outlasted her expectations.

For three hours, Ruby's teammates ventured through the city, followed by Taiyang who was taking his time. To think, three Huntresses-in-training were surviving in the abandoned city project with relative ease.

"I wonder where Qrow is in this whole mess?" She mumbled to herself while stretching out her back and letting her sniper rest against the ground.

"I think Qrow's right next to you."

Jumping from the sudden sound, Ruby grabbed her sniper on instinct and unfolded it into its scythe form. Seeing the chaos forming, Qrow raised up both of his hands and kept them raised until the cloaked girl lowered the oversized weapon.

'Hell of a reaction. Barely any fresh graduates have those instincts too,' Qrow commented and filed the thought away for later. "Sorry, Rubes, but I didn't want to interrupt your Grimm-watching." He lazily apologized with a slight hint of sarcasm.

"Screw you, you old bird," the cloaked girl muttered before setting her sniper down.

"Hey!" He shouted in protest. "I came here to tell you that we found a place to set up camp, but what do I get in return, a 'screw you'."

"Just tell me where we're setting up." The girl spat out as she took a peek into the scope of her rifle.

Stepping on the edge of the building with his back facing the rest of the city, Qrow spoke, "The three-story across the street." Then, he leaned back and flipped into his avian form. Watching the bird fly toward the rest of the team with her scope, Ruby could only sigh at the Hunter's antics.

Nevertheless, she folded up her weapon and made a swan dive off the roof, following the man's flair by using her semblance to bounce off the wall and land back on the street.

"Time to get ready."






"Just let her sleep in, the three of us are enough."

"Schnee, this is my daughter we're talking about. If I left her, I might be missing something in the morning."

Rolling her eyes, Weiss turned away from Taiyang to look at Ruby. As per usual, the girl adorned her cloak, although she was reduced to her white one instead of her crimson ones. Nonetheless, she kept herself busy by watching the closest pack of Grimm.

Walking up to her, the heiress went unnoticed by her partner. Holding back a contemptuous comment, she followed Ruby's eyes, which were trained on an Alpha Beowolf. Unsurprised by its presence, Weiss nudged Ruby's shoulder.

"Hm?" Ruby hummed, still looking at the alpha.

"Are you ready for our patrol?" Weiss asked with her arms crossed under her bosom.

Taking one more glance at the bipedal wolf, the cloaked girl turned to her right and answered, "I think so."

"What do you mean, you think so? Are you hiding something again?" Weiss pressed on, leaning close to the shorter girl.

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