Chapter 9 Ice Cold Angels

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'What cruel being created homework?' Ruby thought as she wrote down another obvious answer to fulfill the tedious pile of work spread out in front of her. Across her desk, a few textbooks laid open with a small packet of paper between the pages and a Scroll remained with a few unread texts and missed calls, neither of which Ruby ever wanted to check.

Regardless, the young girl continued her endless piles of work. Though she wouldn't deny that she wanted a platter of cookies to snack on while she did so.

Of course, her work wouldn't remain peaceful, especially with three nosy teammates living in the same dorm as her. So, trying her best to be silent, Weiss crept up behind Ruby. Well, she tried to creep up behind the girl, but her heels betrayed her when she took her first step.

Snapping her head back, Ruby spotted Weiss immediately and took a glance down at the horror she forced onto her feet. "Hey, Ice Queen, need something?" Ruby greeted the pale heiress in the usual passive-aggressive manner that nearly every other Beacon student had.

"Oh, um... I was just wondering if you need help with your homework," Weiss stuttered out with a crooked smile formed upon her lips. Unfortunately, the ever-hooded girl didn't buy such a lame excuse and returned to her work.

Seeing that the girl that was supposed to be her partner would continue to ignore her, the heiress tried to pull down the white hood that would always be covering the girl's face. But, by some extraordinary force, Ruby caught the hand that Weiss was trying to pull her hood down with.

"How in the world?" Weiss muttered after her hand was thrown to the side. "Ruby Rose! Tell me how you did that!" Barking her order out, Ruby paid no mind to her partner and kept her focus directed toward her homework. "Don't make me use the Middle Name card, Ruby!"

"I don't have a middle name," the unenthusiastic girl made a clear retort, though it seemed that Weiss was still far from eager to give up.

"Then... Then, I'll get Yang to drag you out!" The pale heiress exclaimed, supported by a surprised yet an encouraging busty blonde.

"My semblance is based around speed. I can go to Vale faster than you can go to the courtyard if I wanted to." The younger was boasting at this point, though neither Yang or Weiss thought their leader had even realized she had done so.

But this time, it was Yang's turn to cut in. "Rubes, just spend an hour with Weiss in Vale. It can't be that bad, plus, not even the Ice Queen herself would want to do all that homework."

Ignoring the scowl Weiss showed Yang, Ruby finished the last answer to Professor Oobleck's assignment. With only a few more to finish, she pulled her Herbology textbook closer along with the packet stuck between its pages.

"Oh, come on!" Yang exclaimed when she saw Ruby start writing on a new packet. "It'll only be an hour, so you have the rest of the weekend to finish all that stuff," she reasoned, though that only caused Ruby to let out a sigh.

In the blink of an eye, the young girl activated her semblance and her arms became a blur as she finished the packet in front of her within seconds. Still moving at insane speeds, she grabbed the last two packets and completed both of them before Weiss could even bring out another stutter.

Finished with all of her assignments, Ruby pushed her chair out and turned to face her dumbfounded teammates. "So, what's on the itinerary?" She asked with her blazer unbuttoned and with a hand on her hip.

Turning to Yang, Weiss looked to her for the answer, though it brought a sigh out of Ruby's lips. Glancing between her teammates, the only thing that came to Yang's mind was to shrug her shoulders.

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