Chapter 13 - Reuniting

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Ruffnut's POV:


We flew down to the snowy ground below and saw Stormfly up against one of the trees. we looked around where we found Hiccup and Astrid. Astrid was in his arms and not moving. Hiccup was next to her, nuzzling his head into her hair.

"Oh no." I whispered.

"What? No." Snotlout huffed and fell to his knees. I was already on the floor.


Hiccup's POV:


This can't be happening. This cannot be happening right now. What did we do to deserve this?

"Grrrrawwww!" I heard the giant dragons coming back.

"Hiccup we have to go." Fishlegs said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"NO! No way! I am not leaving her here!" I yelled, pushing him away.

"GrrrrrrAWWW!" I heard louder.

"Hiccup we need to leave now." Ruff ordered.

"Please, this can't be happening." I begged.

"Come on, we need to leave." Snotlout said walking over to me.

"GRRRAWWW!" I heard them for the third time.

"Hiccup let her go." Tuff said as I looked up to see them all already on their dragons. I looked back down to Astrid.

"I'm sorry Astrid." I whispered putting her down.

"Hiccup hurry!" Ruff yelled as we saw the dragons ahead. I stood up and looked at her below me. I got on Toothless. The others took to the sky while I sat there for a second.

"Bye mi'lady." I bowed as Toothless launched to the others. I looked back as we got further away. Stormfly was being carried by Hookfang, Barf and Beltch.


Astrid's POV:


I heard something as the blackness in my mind slowly disappeared.

"Bye mi'lady." I heard softly and then a flap of wings. I tried to yell out wait but I couldn't move, my eyes refused to open. After a few minutes I saw a bright light and I felt really cold. My eyes began to open and I saw the bright sun reflecting off the snow. My head was thumping and my cheek was bleeding. I sat up and held my hurting head.

"Ow." I complained. I looked around to see everyone had left and so did Stormfly. I slowly made my way to stand. I looked up to the sun to estimate the time. It was around two. I looked around a bit, trying to think how I would get back to Berk.

"GRRRAWW!" I heard the giant creatures coming my way.

"Oh gods this isn't good, this isn't good!" I muttered. Think, think, think. What to do, what to do?

"GRRR!" I heard. but that was a different dragon. I ran over to where I heard the noise to see a Monstrous Nightmare. He was eating something on the ground. He was my way off this island. Okay Astrid, same thing you do every time and go! I ran over to the dragon and jumped on its back. It fought me off but I made my way to its head. I grabbed its horns and pushed them to the ground. He stopped fighting me and looked over to me. I don't know why when you do that to a Nightmare it just stops and listens to.

"So, do you think you can give me a lift?" I asked it. It gave me a nod and I hopped on its back.


Hiccup's POV:


I looked up to the clouds. No one talked to me. I could hear the others talking and deciding what to say to me but they never actually got the courage to speak. I laid on Toothless and just stared into the sky above for hours. I could see Berk far in the distance. At least there is no wind now.

"Hiccup!" I heard faintly. I barley heard it at all. I just ignored it I wasn't in the mood. "Hiccup!" I heard slightly louder. My eyes opened wide as I sat up. I swear that was Astrid's voice. The gang were chatting about something.

"Guys be quiet!" I yelled at them. "Did you hear that?"

"Hiccup!" I heard yet again.

"I can't hear anything." Snotlout stated.

"Hiccup!" The noise got louder. It sounded exactly like Astrid. I quickly turned Toothless around and we started flying the other way.

"Where is he going?" I heard Ruff complain. I kept flying in the direction the noise came from. In the distance I saw a Monstrous Nightmare coming my way. I took a closer look to see Astrid on the back.

"ASTRID!" I screamed as Toothless picked up speed. I jumped off Toothless and grabbed Astrid off the Nightmare. We started falling towards the ocean. We landed on Toothless and she was still in my arms. "I thought you were dead." I whispered still hugging her.

"Me? Dead? I find that hard to believe." She laughed. I kissed her and she put her hands around my neck. I was so glad to have her back. It was as if the kiss lasted forever. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. I smiled. She punched me in the shoulder.

"Ouch, what was that for?" I asked rubbing my arm.

"That's for leaving me in the cold snow." She responded and kissed me again.

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