Staying in bed

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The next day:

Andrine and I stayed up talking all night. We sat in the guest room where she was sleeping since Jack was streaming. We talked a lot about Jakob, and how she wanted to get to know him better. I suggested she'd ask him on a date. 

I was laying in bed with Jack. I knew that since Andrine was here, I probably wouldn't see Jack as much as I usually do, so I didn't really want to leave bed right away. And neither did he. It was almost 11.30 am, so it wasn't that late. We had been awake for a little while. We were both sitting, leaning into wall, and I was resting my head on his shoulder.

"Should we get out of bed?" He asked.

"No, not yet." I answered.

He laid his head on mine and I took his hand and braided it into mine. I kept stroking his hand with my finger. 

"Your hands are so soft." He said.

I looked up on him. I took my other hand and held up, touching his cheek. He leaned in and kissed me. 

"And your lips are so soft." I said. 

He started kissing me a little more intensely, and then he grabbed my butt, placing me on top of him. I held him with both my hands as he kept kissing me. 

"I love you." I said.

He looked me in the eyes. "I love you too." He said.

I sat on top of him, just looking at him. Suddenly the time was 12 pm and I figured we should get out of bed.

"I think we should get out of bed now." I said. "Or, I mean, I should get out of bed, you can just stay if you want." I added.

"Then I'm gonna stay here just a little bit longer." He said.

I got off of him and put my clothes on. I gave him a little kiss before I got out of the room. I didn't know if Andrine was awake, we did stay up pretty late, so I figured I'd go check. I was about to check her room, but then I heard someone in the kitchen and it sounded like Andrine. 

I tried not to make so much noise going up the stairs. She was talking with someone, but I couldn't heard who it was. I got up the stairs and looked around the corner to see who it was. And of course, it was Jakob. Andrine and Jakob were alone in the kitchen together. I looked like they were making breakfast together. I knew she wanted to get to know him, so I figured I didn't want to disturb them. I turned around and went downstairs again. They just kept talking, so I didn't think they heard me.

I went back to Jack's room. I opened the door.

"Oh, you're back." He said. 

"Yeah.." I said as I closed the door behind me.

"She's still asleep?" He asked.

"Um no, not at all." I said.

He was just looking at me with a question mark on his face.

I walked over to him. "She's up in the kitchen, with Jakob, making breakfast." I said. 

"So you're saying we can stay here a little bit longer?" He asked. I nodded.

"Guess I'll order some food then." He said as he grabbed his phone.

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