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I sat up in bed so quickly that it woke Steve up. I was covered in sweat.
"What's going on Sami," he was getting worried quickly.
"Gosh," I exhaled and layed back down, I realized I had bad dream. But it felt so real.
He relaxed when he saw me calm down but stayed sitting, turning to see me.
"It was just a dream, I'm fine," I was feeling like shit though.
"What was it about?" He put reassuring hand on my stomach.
"I was an old lady mourning you after you got shot 40 years prior. It was stupid."
"I'm sorry," he layed down close to me and put his arm around me tightly. His breath tickled in my ear as he kissed it softly.

"You know that's not how our future looks like, right!" He was so confident in his fortune telling skills.
"I hope so," I turned to face him and rested my leg on his hip, "I have lot of plans with youin the future," I smiled and rested my cheek on his.
But I couldn't shake off the hint of worry, the only truth from my dream, that I might loose him one day.

I hugged him and wrapped the blanket around us. I pressed my body to his so tightly that I felt the warmth of his skin on mine.
"I can't loose you."
"You're not gonna loose me," he put his reassuring arms around my naked body and hold me tight until I fell asleep again.

"Hey buddy!" I greeted Mike in the parking lot where we've met for our hike.
"Yes you're good boy Benny," I petted his dog which was laying at my feet wagging his tail. "Where's Abby?"
"She should be here soon," he said and we hugged.

"I'm happy to see you again," I smiled at my friend.
"I missed you too girl. How is life?"
"Life's good but my dream from last night, not so much," I shook my head still feeling the worrying emotion under my skin.
"What was it about?"
I sighed before I told him.
"I was 85 year old woman sitting at the back of Steve's house, devastated about the fact that the love of my life got shot and died 40 years ago and I spent my whole life alone in despair and misery," I laughed ironically at myself.
"What did you eat for dinner?" He laughed at first but then turned serious. "Dating a cop. Can't imagine that's easy," he pulled me into reassuring hug. The kind I really needed at this point.

"Do you know what's funny?
When I told him, he didn't take it seriously at all.
I don't wanna say that he completely dismissed it as just a stupid bad dream but he didn't look like he gave it any though. It was like I'd have asked him about what his favorite sports team was."

"What is his favorite sports team btw?" Mike wanted to know.
"I have no idea. And back off, he's mine," I laughed for the first time since last night. Mike's happy nature brushed off on me already.

"I know few guys who were in the military and I think that's how they're trained Sami. His reactions are based on what they have been drilling into him for years over there.
Think about it.
They're brave enough, or as I'd say, stupid enough to go to war zone. Voluntarily..."

"Next time I'll call him stupid. Maybe that'll wake him up," I laughed.

"...moreover he is a Navy Seal, what their survival rate is, like 50%? These guys don't think about the possibility of dying like the rest of us otherwise they wouldn't be able to do their job.
I think he doesn't even see it as something which could happen to him."

"Stop making it worse!"

"Sorry. I was just trying to help."

"I know. But I've never dated a cop before let alone someone from task force who has to wear kevlar to work."

"Maybe you should give him batmobile for Christmas," Mike joked again.

"Stop it! It's not funny." But I was happy he was trying to find light note in all this.

MY WAY HOME ◆ Steve McGarrett ◆ Hawaii Five-0Where stories live. Discover now