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"Sami wants me to quit Five-0," Steve said to Danny. They were sitting on the couch is Steve's home watching Chips marathon on DVDs.
"Can you repeat that?"
"You heard me man. She asked me that in the aftermath of me leaving on that mission to get my mother."
"That's because for you everything always must be a mission! Even fishing, remember? I've known you long enough to know that you're willing to risk you life in any given circumstance, I'll give her that. On the other hand Five-0 is you. It's always been you."
"She later apologized but I think she might still want it."
"Did she say why exactly she wants you to quit?"
"She is worried I will get shot and die."
"I'm surprised it hasn't happened already."
Teasing Steve about his way of handling dangerous side of his job was Danny's pleasure.
"Funny. Did you eat fun powder for breakfast today or what?"
"The first day I met you it was me who got shot, you remember?"
"But I've got your back. I've always got your back and you're still very much alive which means I'm doing great job," Steve said proudly. He still had soldier's mind. It was engraved into his DNA.
"Is that suppose to help me sleep at night?"
"Well it doesn't. Plus, if someone would be leaving Five-0, it'd be me."
Steve frowned his eyebrows, "Yeah."
"I'm serious. I'm coming up on my 20 years. Soon I'll collect my pension and retire."
"Yeah and then what. Lay on the beach? You are the only person I know who hates the beach."
"I don't know yet. Maybe I'll open a restaurant."
"Open a restaurant?! Like that'd work out."

"What are you two doing?" They both turned their head at me when I walked in with 3 bags of groceries. I clearly interrupted their debate. Steve quickly got up to help me.
"Watching Chips marathon."
"What's Chips?"
"She's kidding right?" Danny didn't even move his eyes from TV when he said that.
"It's an old TV show with cop on a motorcycle whih he's aparently obsessed with."
He kissed me on my lips, "Do you wanna join us?"
"Yeah I'll come in a sec."
"What did you bring?" He asked as he began searching through the groceries.
"I though we could have bbq tomorrow. They had lots of great meat."
"Perfect. Damny, you're coming right?"
"You heard her."
"No I haven't."
"Tomorrow. Here. BBQ."
"Yes. I will," he had big grin on his face after hearing about food, "I could theoretically stay here overnight when it's already tomorrow right?"
"Theoretically you can fly to the moon and back today but practically you are NOT sleeping here tonight. I love you buddy but that's too much."

"My good friend from LA is here on the island so I invited her for tomorrow, too," I said to Steve and kissed him on his cheek.
"Great," he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him, "I'll text the team."

We finished unpacking the groceries. Steve grabbed chips for himself and I cut 2 mangos for myself and brought the plate with me to the couch.
"Make space."

I sat in the middle.
"Wow the guy's hot."
"The dark one right?"
"No, the blonde"
"That's me," they both shouted.


"How could he possibly escape?" Steve frowned to his phone walking rapidly from his shower, showeling his gun and badge onto his waist.
He run to my side as I was laying on our bed still smitten after our morning sex, "I have to go. Someone very dangerous escaped from prison. We have to find him before he hurts someone," he quickly kissed me and was listening to his phone again.
"Be careful."
"I will" he smiled and run away.


"I see how you're looking at him," Joss, my good friend, winked at me as we sat down to two chair in Steve's garden, "You can't keep your eyes from him."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Hell yeah."
"Guilty as charged Joss. He's the one," I looked to the grill where my man was preparibg meat.
"You know he lives few thousand miles away from you right?"
"He said I can move in with him and I'm getting quite comfortable here."
"Please tell me you're not seriously considering it. Look Steve is hot, I get that..."
"Hm he is" I smiled at my friend.
"Are you ovulating today or something?" She laughed at me expense. "Anyway what I was saying, you're too young to be leaving your career, your life to be with a man. Even McGarrett is not hot enough for that."
"I love your point of view."
"Yeah sexy men do nothing for me, sexy women on the other hand."
My friend makes me always laugh. She is one if the most open minded people I've ever met and it's so refreshing to talk to her.
"I know that you know what you're doing. Just promise me, you'll think that through before you do something stupid like move here."
"I promise."

MY WAY HOME ◆ Steve McGarrett ◆ Hawaii Five-0Where stories live. Discover now