Chapter 6: Water

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There two could see Jane stop in the middle of the road as she looked back at them.

She mouthed "I'm sorry you have to see this."

They could see bright blue lines trace along her body, nearby plants started to grow rapidly. The back car started to have its paint chip away and rust coated it as the engine stalled. Jane appears behind of Zack and then he suddenly collapsed on the ground. A few other men came to see what the problem was. The first one came around the corner to have a bright blue beam strike his head. The contents of his brain splattered against the asphalt as he hit the ground. Two men came around the same corner and one behind her. Daggers appeared in Jane's hands, whipping around one went into the chest of the man behind, her other arm released the second dagger that punctured his lung. Grabbing the head of the third guy she pushed him to the ground. The fourth guy managed to charge at her. Coiling herself around his back she twisted his head quickly to snap his neck, dead before he hit the ground. The third guy scampered on the ground as Jane took tiny steps as she stood over him. Grabbing him by his shirt she lifted him off the ground.

"Tell whoever is second in command that I'm not stopping for a second till all of you are dead. You either leave us alone or I destroy everything." Fear flashed in the mans eyes as the car returned to its original state as Jane dropped him.

She stood in the street covered in crimson blood. Rain started, washing the blood on the asphalt away that poured from the corps. The blue color still pumped underneath her skin. Her scarf was the same dark red color, her hands were stained with more sins, her hair flattened and the horns glistened in the rain.

Jane walked over to where Nick laid. His mask was broken and a small trickle of blood came from his hairline. She dragged him over to the horrified Scarlet and Crome.

"Jane?" Whispered Scarlet.

"I'm sorry... they would have killed you. This was the only way. We have leverage for now." Her grasp tightened on the incapacitated Zack.

"So, he's the king?" Muttered Crome

"Let's head back." A pulse went though both Jane and Zack, smoke rose from his back pocket.

She pulled out a fried phone, snapping it in half, Jane chucked it. Rubbing her head they could tell she was going past her limit. They got onto the jet that just landed. Jane shoves Zack into a cell, designed to contain a gifted person, and sat down with her friends. The blue lines could no longer be seen and her eyes flickered between blue and silver. Jane looked exhausted as she glanced out the window and by the time they arrived at the base she was already asleep. Crome tapped her shoulder as she jolted awake.

"Hey, were back home. Let's get you cleaned up." He said softly.

"Yea." She rubbed her head before standing up.

Sluggishly Jane walked off the jet. Iwix and Cupid would put Zack somewhere else for interrogation and containment so the trio didn't worry about that.

Scarlet decided to release some of the tension. "Hey, why don't we go out to eat tonight on the beach?"

"Maybe later." Jane said quietly as she walked alone towards her room.

Crome and Scarlet were talking together as she went into her room but Jane didn't pay any mind to it. Her room was a cool grey with a white line around it before a deep sea blue. Peeling off the suit and clothing she left her once white undershirt on and a pair of shorts. Furiously scrubbing the blood and the stains away tears mixed in with the soap. There was still dry blood on her face and her hands had been stained red by now from it all. Hanging it to dry she took a shower to wash the remaining blood from her body. Down the drain the red water went but all she could think about was how easy it was.

It frightened her, how cold she felt as she attacked and killed. First time in a while and they saw it all. Was she a freak? A monster? No, she had become something worse. She had become what she fought desperately to avoid becoming. The mind numbing sensation she got from killing was what Phantom wanted. She was a weapon. The only thing that Phantom wanted was control.

Stepping out of the shower she couldn't tell we're it was tears or just the water running down her face. Changing into clean cloths after she dried off Jane sat against the wall. Grabbing the blanket from her bed she curled up on the floor as her heavy eyes finally got some rest. Yet, even in slumber there was no peace in her mind. It wasn't her killing those men that torture her sleep but the piles of bodies that Zack had caused. Phantom and the Mages were working together as she had thought, that how they knew where to look.

She had another group of gifted individuals before, it was her class. With it was the person that she truly cared about, Zoey. Their deaths were caused by Phantom simply because they were deemed failures. She apparently was the most valuable thing in the lot, some pardon from death, and was trained to become the best soldiers on the face of the earth.

Zack was the only one who knew her true weakness in life.

Her greatest weakness is not letting anyone help. Crome and Scarlet were the first in years that Jane let tag along. There were no surprises or plans needed when you only have yourself to work with. Traveling alone means less attention and less needs for breaks.

It was a rule that she broke and Nick knew how to push right over the edge.

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