Chapter 7: Horns

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Jane woke up hours after Nick was put on total lockdown on a hall. She had used a great deal of energy in general from the anomaly. Both sides were activated at the same time, something that was never thought possible even with Nick.

Her eyes popped open, Jane's brain started to fill itself with questions. Terrified of what she had possibly become she sat on the edge of the bed and stared emptily. Jane got up and grabbed her jacket, tension was in her shoulders. Slamming the door shut she hurried towards the door.

Suddenly she could her a voice.

Get the threats out. Get the threats out. Get the threats out. Move! Hurry! You've wasted enough time!

Jane stopped, her had on the door handle, she turned back down the hall. Her arms flickered with the luminescent blue as she ran to the only closed off hall. Slamming herself into the panel she suddenly heard the cracking of electricity. Taking a couple steps back the door slid upward and allowed access. Dashing towards where Nick was being held weapons appeared from the walls. Flashing lights and alarms went off but she kept straight like an arrow. Crashing through the glass room where Jane saw Nick still passed out but chained to the ground. Thick metal held his hands bounded together but that wasn't the worst

A cold chill went up her spine.

There it was around his neck, hidden slightly by the trench coat he still had on, the same collar she one had on that kept her captive.

Inscribed on it was her number 382. Experiment 382 was a thing, a weapon to be used then disposed of. It made her sick seeing it around his neck. Not even her worst enemy deserves to suffer the crushing pain that she had.

Since it wasn't on her own neck it wouldn't activate if she deactivated it. Swiftly Jane got it off and slung Nick over her shoulders. Picking the collar up before she headed back down the hall rushing footsteps echoed.

A different voice came to her, cleaner with an old accent of someone who spoke another language.

"You have no reserves, now you must rely on what you know."

The footsteps got closer.

"Face your opponent with pride, use their attacks against them, use their weakness, use your strengths, use everything you've learned to escape.
There not the same level as you have previously face but always overestimate everything."

Going back to where she entered, Jane placed Nick against the wall and took a wide stance near her exit. Iwix, Cupid, Scarlet, and Crome all came through the other end of the hall. All four of them had concerned looks.

"What are you doing Jane?" Questioned Scarlet. "I thought that you wanted him locked away."

"No." Jane was looking at the floor. "You're no better than Phantom."she threw the collar towards them and it skidded to a stop.

Crome picked it up and touched the numbered engraved then looked at Iwix.

"Listen Jane, he's dangerous. He tried to kill three people that I care the most about." Responded Iwix.

There was a slight pause before Jane spoke. "I can't turn a blind eye, especially if your willing to become your enemy." Her words were as study as steel when she proclaimed them.

"We can't let you take him Jane." Said Cupid.

Crome still glared at Iwix while Scarlet seemed distant. Both Cupid and Iwix had their attention on Jane.

The first voice crept back into the back of Jane's head.


She lowered herself into a crouch. Her piercing grey eyes stared at them with a purpose.

Cupid started running towards Jane with glowing pink hands. Iwix came in behind her with his fingers on the triggers of his pistols that glowed slightly green. Suddenly Jane saw only a hall or at least an illusion of an empty one.



The hammer of a pistol had been pulled back. A slight clank could be heard as a finger went over the trigger.


The trigger released the power of a single billet into the air. Quickly Jane lowered her head just enough for it to pass just between her horns and strike the wall. The sliver of every was just enough. Thin black claws extended from her finger and had a sharp form to them. They sliced and shredded the illusion like paper. Jane saw that they had surrounded her while she was distracted.

"Get out of my fucking way or I cannot guaranteed your safety." She said roughly as she looked at Iwix. "Guess I'm still not free, Lier. Honestly, Ithought that you had more impressive skills than some parlor tricks."

Dashing towards Iwix Jane's fluid attacks made it difficult to counter. One after another she pushed him and the others back to clear a path. After that series was done she landed at her exit with Nick's unconscious body on her shoulder.

"I spare your lives because you were never my enemy. Attack as one and, if you want to be in the same league, solve how and why I do what I do."

Scarlet was the first to look up followed by Cupid and Crome. Iwix laid on the floor as he clenched his right arm.

Jane disappeared along with Zack.

Put back on the mask to cover the tears inside for standing alone against your enemies is better than watching those who are precious die.

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