Chapter 18: Erebus

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"I need to get out" Jane whispered as she clutched his shirt. "They call themselves Project Ova. Experiment Patchwork 1870, Bloody Herring 472, and Moonshine 08."

"You need to relax Jane, nothing is going to get you." Scott tried to pry her away but it didn't work.

"They were meant to destroy any tractor who is caught. Last time Moonshine was still under training like me. I can't push him away anymore. I'm not stronger than him." Her voice cracked and her hands continued to shake. "Stop trying to be brave. You don't know Phantom like I do."

Scott finally managed to unhook himself from her. "Kid, your going to have to calm down. Calm down, ok?"

He could see her eyes shut as Jane took in a slow breath. The scarring and bruises disappeared. Blood tricked from her eyes as she opened them.

"I was supposed to join Ova once I was less resistant. Moonshine 08 is the test subject for Extrasensory Perception, like a metal detector or a GPS system but by tapping into..." Jane started to drift off, shaking her head slightly she continued. "The astral plane like I do but on a surface level."

"Ok, can you tap into him and see where he his?"

Jane looked wiped all of a sudden. "It's a two way window then, whoever is stronger can see the weaker one. I have to..." Her eyes closed as sleep took her over.

"Recharge your powers. That stun did you in, now this and trying to heal." Scott sighed as he picked Jane up and placed her on the bed.

Grabbing the object he moved it from the bottom of the bed to the middle of the room. He left the room to tell the others. Jane seemed pretty shaken about the whole thing, terrified even. Apparently there was someone that could frighten her, Phantom presence became more and more of a concern.

"-ott, Scott!"

He snapped out of it.

"Sorry, just a bit tired I guess." He ran his fingers through his hair.k

"Why do we need to relocate?" Mae stared at him from across the table.

"I spent last night doing all the digging that I could. Something attacked Jane or the Astral plane she's connected to, breached it to be more specific." He tapped the table to display 3 faces. "They are called project Ova, Patchwork 1870, Bloody Herring 472, and Moonshine 08 were all created by Phantom, they had no outside life. Like Jane, they don't have a start date and they are all experiments." The faces disappears.

"She was trained not to panic or fear anything. Jane did kill those men without a second thought, she attacked people who she spent months with. What makes me hesitant is the fact that we wouldn't not have her here if she hadn't dulled her own powers even if it's temporary. Jane's scared of these people who have much more training and power than herself even before all of this. That's why she wanted to destroy them before...well, I don't know what." Mae huffed. "What's stopping from this Project Ova from chasing us all over the world? If they found us once they'll do it again."

"Her powers are returning." Nate said almost laughing. "Slowly but this wasn't permanent. It's not like Jane has the fountain of youth or can magically live forever. There's limits to this Mae, in the next couple of months she'll have even more than before."

"We don't have that time to wait for one person to gain more power. We have days if we're lucky." Mae grumbled.

"If we stay here then we're easy targets."Scott argues.

Axel mumbles."If we move and Jane recuperates enough energy what's stopping her from killing us?"

The other three looked at Axel.

Scott looked at Mae. "We could try the collar again. She struggled to protect herself while conscious and at full power."

"That'll make her hate us more. You saw her reaction when Iwix used it on Nick. All Jane is right now is a scared kid who wants to protect the only people she trusts."


Mae rolled her eyes. "Scarlet and Crome. She wouldn't have done what she did if she didn't trust us either. If it was Iwix or Cupid then Jane would have fought. She had people like them" Mae tapped a couple of folders on the table to open up various pages. "They died September 10th two years ago. She doesn't want to get hurt again Scott, everyone who she knows, except for Nick but he probably endorsed them or gives Phantom something they need, has died."

"What happens if we just let her go?" Scott foolishly suggested.

"We'd be discredited at the least, Phantom would succeed and turn her into a weapon. I certainly don't want that on my conscious."Axel said quickly shutting that down.

"Then we need Iwix's team."


"If we do that then what happens if we all die? Hm? Who will protect the people from Phantom? The Mages are clearly on Phantom's side meaning that there is no one with ability that could stand up to them."


"So we just go in with half of our ammo?" Scott laughed a little. "They are KILLERS, Jane is a KILLER! We are not because we are HEROES who need to abide by the law. We are fighting with one hand tied behind us!"

"GUYS!" Yelled Nate.

"WHAT???" Snapped the other three simultaneously.

Nate slid up the screen of his tablet to push the other things on it out of the way.

It projected an empty room. "Jane's gone."

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