Chapter 11: Package

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Jane sat cross-legged on the bed. Weaving her fingers between one another and touching the tips of her thumbs she thought about her choices.

Escape: The nurse would probably want an Amber alert and get the police involved.

Stay: Risks her freedom.

Escape: Still injured and had shot her powers from too much use, no defense.

Stay: Can heal, get food, and get stronger, healthier.

Scarlet, Crome, Iwix, and Cupid must also be hurt from her supposed betrayal. They were, correction, Iwix was becoming like Phantom. You may defeat your enemy by attacking with the same tactics but then you become the enemy of another pure force. Turning it into a vicious cycle of evil. They did say she could leave,

When she killed Jane took no joy in it. However, she doesn't know why she killed them but that she just did. Maybe she was just a fighter. After all, it was what she knew best. Perhaps going through the army, nothing new except the terrain. Obviously, it wasn't glorious or heroic, it was where killing would be allowed. Missions, orders, and weapons, everything one would need. Yet, if she tried to even get enlisted let alone on an actual base she'd become a dog. Something for the government to do whatever they like with her. Another object to be disposed of, no thanks.

The decline of gifted, powered, mutant or whatever you want to call them, meant a massive surge would also come through here. Some good, some bad, and someone needed to be there when one of them decides to do something stupid, which was the inevitable. Jane needed to make sure they not only got the help that they needed but people like Nick, Iwix and Phantom don't use them.

The voices, who were that of? It wasn't of anyone she had known of but one sounded like Nick if she remembered correctly.

Suddenly the door opened, a different nurse popped in. Hadn't been but maybe but a few hours.

"Figured you might want a bite to eat. I brought lunch." She chirped and sat the tray on a rolling table.

Slowly Jane started to eat but with caution as the nurse continues after she finished.

"There was also a odd man who dropped off a a package with a letter." She went into the hall and brought a flat rectangular suitcase attached with an envelope and gave it to her.

"Did they say who it was?"

"All they said was 'for the firebug that has no name'."

Jane looked at the pure white envelope. "Who do you work for?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What's the mission?" Jane placed the envelope back down.

The nurse glanced at the camera at the corner. "Perhaps I was mistaken. I think he said lightning bug actually."

"When will I be released?"

"Tomorrow evening. If that's everything then I'll leave you be. Lights out at 6."

The nurse left again.

So that one did work for Nick, this entire city was wrapped in his claws. Make it look like an accident, electrical fire or gas explosion. After that's been taken care off she has the suit and freedom for good.

Peeling the flap upwards Jane read the note.


Human targets were actually when Jane decoded it was Agace Jeffery, Fisken Win, and Jon Norrv. All of whom were business owner in this area. Should be an easy job as it was only 3 people.

Placing the note down she examined the case. Thump print, retinal, face and basic 3 number combination. Twisting the combination to 711 she received an error. 666 same ordeal, what would be something Nick knew that she'd figure out?

Date that the school exploded 812, nope.
Date of escaping Phantom the first time 106, nope.
Date of last escape 115, nope.
Date she met him 327, nope.

Date that all her friends died 910.

Clicks could be heard as she had found the correct combo at last. Always wanting to hurt someone even if he wasn't there to see it, that was Nick alright.

Standing up Jane slipped into the bathroom with the suit and closed the door. Examining what was inside she started pulling out the contents of the case.

Combat boots, breathable fabric, separate mask that covered her nose and under her eyes, hood with horn holes, stylish shoulder armor, compact utility belt for a phone, medical supplies, and a few other things but no weapons, and to make it all completed she had a blue scarf. The back of it had an outline of a pair of wings that could glow if she wanted. She could even not wear the boots for a stealth mission that was purely intel. The suit itself changed similar to her cells, this meant it was durable and protective.

Standing infront of the mirror in the bathroom Jane stared at herself in the suit. Pulling the hood up the light in the little area flickered. Her eves stirred with energy and motivation.

"Last job." She talked to herself. "Then I can be who I want to be. No more Mockingbird or Devil's Servant or some shit. No more killing. No more Nick." She opened her eyes as both glowed blue just as the light shattered.

Voices in her head appeared.

Let's step into the light, no longer shall you live in the shadows, become....

All of the voices suddenly disappeared as though the connection broke.

Jane already knew what they were going to say, she finished it out loud. "Become a hero that knows what it is to become a villain."

They were of the past kings, giving their advice once Jane relied on its for power the mark. It gave her advice only to keep with the Mages.

Jane opened the door when the first nurse when she had woken up was infront of her. Her mask dangled from her neck and her hood was down. The woman could see the broken shards of the lightbulb behind her not to mention that Jane wasn't in hospital attire.

"Surprise! I'm healed!" Jane said in a fake excited voice.

"Oh really? Show me then." The nurse huffed.

"Well I would really love to but..." Jane glanced at the window. "I gotta run." She smiled.

Dashing between the doorway and arms Jane hurriedly opened the window with the suitcase and note in hand. Just as she was about to jump she turned around to face the police officer. Touching his forehead a light blue circle appeared and disappeared as he fell unconscious.

"Tschüss!" She yelled before jumping.

The nurse rushed over to the edge to see that Jane was gone.

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