Chapter 17: Ova

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The sting of tears ran down the side of her face.

White room, white walls, everything was the same color.

It hurt to breath. She felt the familiar crushing pain in her chest that set it aflame. It hurt to roll on her side. All her mussels in her side screamed in pain. It hurt to move her arms. The bruising didn't help. It hurt to sit up and curl her back to rest her elbows on her legs.

At least something was soft in the tiny world.

She had even fallen in love once, but that was a lifetime ago. That person made her soar into the clouds and it hurt to fall back to the ground. Now she made sure that no one could get close to her so she couldn't get hurt again.

That pain of losing the one who you'd give up everything for was nothing compared to this.

Jane got up as though there was nothing wrong. Taking a few steps to the middle of the room she plopped a seat down. The cold tile was always welcoming. Resting her hand on her legs she closed her eyes as her brain went to work.

Only escape points so far is the door and probably the bathroom depending on what it had. No real clue on what their powers are or comprehension of them. They knew almost everything about her, almost.

Jane got up. Ceiling was about 3 feet taller than herself. Pacing to one end to the other she counted the number of steps both ways. Then she started inching around the walls and knocking up and down them. A camera for each corner, four eyes but four to use. The door was obviously reinforced, sliding, no hinges, the weak point was where there was a possible panel on the other side. A couple here and there on the wall but nothing big enough.

After a while Jane sat with her back against a wall. Hours she sat there as still and quite as a statue.

Silence was what you perceive it as, neither kind nor harsh it just was.

Once you focused you could detect the life behind it all. The amount of strides taken. Was there routine? How many passed? Was there others next to her? What was the path like down the hall? Stairs? Elevator shaft? Was there sounds below or above? Can you hear what lived on the soil? What about what flew in the sky? What type of animals sung their names? Was there a disposal area nearby? Was there training grounds? Could you smell anything, perhaps sulfur or gasoline? How old was the building? Everything was being told through even the smallest of detail.

It was a couple hours after being awake when someone approached the door. Small clicks of buttons before it slid open.

Jane turned her head away. No matter what she did now could she get a good hit in. Too much pain, too much damage, too much risk. Of corse she could get a couple hits in but the most probable result was her injuries getting worse.

"Your up, how are you feeling?" The voice was of Scott.

Jane glanced at him. "How would you feel right now?"

"Do you want something to eat?"

Jane laid her head against the wall away from him.

His hands rummaged around in his pockets for a moment before pulling something out and into his palm. "Just look at it."

She took in a slow breath. "Why do you pretend to care?"

He fiddled with the thing in his palm. "I'm not pretending, I do care."

Scott came inches from her and squatted before placing a hand on her shoulder before getting a sudden reaction of her pulling away.

"I don't like being touched." She growled at him and scooted away.

He dropped his head then raised it up again with a smile on his face. "Why do you never stop fighting?"

Jane didn't say anything but glared at him.

Scott stood up. " Look, Jane, if you want out of here your gonna need to speaker up. Leave this to us, trust us to handle this."

Jane gave him a glare. "I was taught to kill, to hide, to conceal. For years they cut, stabbed, and electrocuted me to create a weapon. I had to grow up fast to survive, now you tell me to be a kid?" Her hands squeezed her shoulders. " How am I supposed to trust you when I can't even trust myself?"

He placed the object on the bed before Scott returned to stand infront of her. It was the truth. She didn't know how to trust anymore. It wasn't an act because the board was set up wrong. Knights became a King. The King became a pawn. The queen became knights. The pawn became a queen. Everything was shuffled even though information was correct the order changed. Events that weren't supposed to happen happened.

Her throat felt tight from something she faintly rememberers. The burning sensation of her mind like all of the tests they ran. She grabbed her ears as it burrowed in her mind. Scott's voice was too distant as her eyes glued shit. Jane could feel its presence growing until she felt like exploding. Burrowing her nails into her scalp to distract her from falling unconscious words burned on her lips.

Suddenly it disappeared.

She could hear the ringing in her ears as her eyes fluttered open. Scott was squeezing her shoulders and his mouth moved.

Her jaw trembled and her eyes were blood shot red. "Ova is coming."

Jane's body trembled from fear. Phantom had finished it and had been released to find where she was.

Project Ova.

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