Chapter 22: Thoth

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"Both have a heightened sense of awareness yet she intentionally removes themselves from others lives. The threat is real, not some story that exists in a fantasy world.We have proof that these people did terrible things to both of and there's no telling how deeply they rewired. I'd suggest giving a constructive way of using their skill. Get them to trust is the key but not without giving them something beforehand, free will."

The group of four were at a table in a commons area fitted with couches and a tv.

"How is their psychological health Ms. Bravo?" Scott asked

"An unhealthy obsession over destroying and protecting."

"Did either of them tell you anything?"Mae shifted to cross her legs.

"There are other on the inside ready to attack."

"Their creation will be their destruction." Mutters Axel.

"How many?" Mae said quietly.

"Project Ova at least. Who knows how many Jane has, that's what makes her dangerous, makes her powerful. She uses the unknown to her advantage by presenting what needs to be done, what will most likely happen, what she needs, and what you need." Ms. Bravo spoke. "She has the mind of the most brilliant generals and their dedication to see their enemies fall."

"Question is do we give Jane what she wants or deny it knowing what Phantom is trying to achieve?"Mae put a hand slightly over her lips.

"I suggest testing their capabilities first, remember these two aren't kids. They are killers trained to find the most effective methods possible. They aren't technically human either, they are something else, more powerful, faster, smarter, creatures designed to be weapons." Bravo was standing up.

"I think it's safe to assume those two are human, they were just raised to become weapons."Scott tried to correct.

"You call a horned girl human? We both know what they really are Scott." Warned Bravo.

"That's enough, you may leave Ms. Bravo." Nate said quickly with a sharp tone.

The spiky haired lady huffed and left quietly. The team of 4 sat in silence for many minutes.

"What they really are. Tch, it's not like either of them chose that." Murmured Scott. "At least we know it's not just two." He rubbed his eyes.

Mae ran her fingers through her hair. "The sensors in the room and collars will tell us if they even attempted to leave their rooms."

"You mean their interrogation rooms, Mae you saw what happened when Phantom left objects in the room. It was a bloody mess. We need to get them to a different area."Huffed Nate.

"We can't risk moving them, both seem a little too aggravated. We don't have a lot on Moonshine 08 either, not even enough to see if he's like Jane or more human."Mae argued. "Besides, If we go in there without tranquilizing, guns a flare, they'll attack us."

"They won't escape." Murmured Scott. "They need something from us."

"Then why resist?"asked Mae

"Probably to test us."Axel answered."All Jane wants is to see what we can handle, didn't you all see wen they fought? One minute they were amateurs then the next it seemed like they had years more experience?"

Scott grumbled "Jane learned her's in just 3 years, it's not like they've been training for decades."

"What about Moon, he could have spent his life in there yet he follows Jane. Why?" Said Axel.

"Maybe we can ask them Axel. Who knows, it could just be because of something other than skill." Nate said sarcastically.

Axle growled back.

"That's enough." Mae and Scott spoke up simultaneously.

The two glared at each other then returned to Axel and Nate.

"Look, we're getting no where like this." Mae huffed. "Let's get some rest and figure this out tomorrow."

"We'll all make better decisions with some sleep." Scott added.

The group of 4 slowly departed to their individual living quarters. Axel and Nate were the first to leave.

"What should we do with those two?" Whispered Scott. "We don't know how skilled they are nor why they need us. Looks like to me that we're going to somewhere dangerous blindly trusting others."

"I know but..." Mae rubbed her head. "How They were so in sync with one another couldn't be achieved by practice. They reacted to up yet they didn't, like they knew what our moves were before we did." She plumped down on the couch.

"We can run some basic level test with the bots tomorrow to see how good they are." Scott went over to the fridge and grabbed something to drink.

"Then what?" Mae looked at the ceiling. "Just keep them here like that?"

Scott returned to where Mae was. "What other choice do we have?"

"She looked at him. "We could let them on the team."

He laughed. "Really? Let the most impulsive and skilled go with us on delicate missions?"

"We could gain something from them."

"They could destroy us."Mae glared at him. "We need to take precautions, especially now."

"If we cant get them to talk then that's it, we are finished. It's worth the risk." Scott's face was serious.

Mae's head dropped as she reluctantly gave him an answer. "Then we start them with the limit measuring bots."

"I bet that they won't make it past level 10." Scott smirked proudly.

"Separate or together?"

"Separate, we know Jane can draw power from others and their attacks are stronger when synchronized. Not that I'm setting them up to fail but..."

"But you want some sort of safety net just in case, one is easier to handle than two."Mae got up and walked towards the doorway. "I'll see you tomorrow, try to get some rest."

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