Chapter 12: Begin

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Jane felt the same freedom as she had back on the island with Scarlet and Crome. The wind curled her hair which had started to get too long to hide her horns properly. Here eves slowly closed shu t for the moments peace.

She had noticed it in the bathroom and made a mental note to shorten it at a later date.

Even if a herald of time one could not halt the natural order forever. Things grow and die, people change and evolve, rusting begins and acid burns. Not even a god could hit pause on that for then life becomes meaningless. Everything has a balance, where there is creation there is destruction, that is what her mate gave her, true balance.

Her eyes flashed open to seethe building windows breeze by. Jane let out a wild yell of excitement as she dove faster and faster to the cement below. Spectators started pointing and screaming. She disappeared in a blue hoop just before hitting the pavement.

Flying through her opening she scaled a nearby building before the change in gravity slowed her down. The pause before the decent back was a priceless moment that could make one feel the bravery of all before them. Yet, at the same time it made one feel just how insignificant in a small planet called Earth. Exhaling she relaxed her mussels and spun back down. Letting her vision blur at all the buildings and colors of the city, Jane's senses redialed towards her new region of protection.

The city fit for a queen, Charlotte. All of the heroes were more towards the north, the ones who could organize themselves and not act too foolish were farther north. Jane just needed to keep the other four here and the others away. From what she had seen they were an actual team as compared to the buffoons here. They all were friends before manifesting powers, originally from different cities of corse but went to the same university. Those were the pro team, not Iwix's.

Cupid, Scarlet, Crome, and Iwix didn't have a clue what it took to be a hero. They had no passion just raw power to be used by amateurs. If had been handled properly with some coordinated attacks her's and Nick's little "escape" would not have been achieved. With Crome's ability to cut off her vision it would have taken a few moments to readjust giving the others time to act. Cupid should have hit the illusion just as Crome did his thing. Then, Scarlet smacked her with the hammer and Iwix restrains her to the floor. That's what an ok team would have done even at their level of understanding. She was weak from Nick and didn't have much power left. Taking a direct shot to her means giving Jane the needed power to unfold an attack. She was classified as a high threat even before the ability to manipulate the energy into something more than portals.

Jane always did have a certain weakens in battling, the long ones. Sure she could react fast and deal deadly blows in a blink, however Jane didn't find it needed to plan for a long battle. Yet, no one has ever lasted more than perhaps an hour against her. Jane's specialty was stealth and close combat. Long distance and distractions weren't her style. A more direct approach was her grove, there was not a bone in her body that was cowardly.

She drifted against the glass of the building windows while the briefcase was in one hand.

First thing was to find a place, reason with Nick, and get a job. There was one person who she knew that wasn't dead. Her father invited him over only a few times, not enough to truly get to know him so he wasn't a target. Anderson Stewards, a professor with access to everything someone would need to repair or make a suit. It was a long shot but there were few options. After things cooled down some she'd try to find him.

Leaping off to a lower building she searched the city for an abandoned building that would be good to stay in for the night. Blocking off all the windows and doorways she claimed herself a temporary place before 12.

She sat down on the old wooden floor and opened the briefcase again. Rummaging around for a note to contact him turned up empty. Looking back at the note the c and k in Nick looked like a backwards 5. Clicking the thumbprint reader 5 times a screw. Popped up with a keyboard

"Something the matter?" Read the first message from Nick

"Cool new toy, but tonight? Three people, all accidents? That would cause suspicion. If you give me 5 months then I promise no police sniffing around for foul play. Their too spread out as compared to all three in one night. Not to mention these 3 are wealthy and time would ensure certain success. I can do one tonight, next one in another month then the last one in 4 months." She typed

"That's an awful long time for three people..."

"Well, I don't want ties to either one of us. Do you?"

It took a moment for a response "I expect this to be done with absolutely no lose ends. It's your hide on the line my dear."

"Why didn't I kill you?"

"Because you needed a suit without a tracker."

"Still hate your guts out." Jane closed the case shut after sending the last message.

Next on the list was finding where the first target was then job hunting.


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