Chapter 23: Athena

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Jane shifted uncomfortably in the chair as it stated glue to the floor. Half asleep she mumbled unclear sentence fragments. Her heart began to race as her movements became more defined. She let out a gasp as she jerked awake and her knee slammed against the table. Instinctively kicking it the table broke and crashed into the wall with a painful noises. Jane's breathing became short and quick as her eyes adjusted to the bland color of the walls. Calming herself down she licked her cracked lips like a snake. She curled up in the chair and stayed as silent as a statue. Her hands were still attached together by the hunk of metal and wires.

They don't mean to keep their word.

You're insignificant to them.

They don't want you as an ally.

Perhaps as a weapon.

They don't care.

Patience, the time to strike isn't now.

Use them like others have.

This isn't the plan.


None of this is.

All of it is.

Follow your instincts.

Follow your heart.

Destroy Nick before he realizes you're not doing the job.

Destroy the suit.

Challenge him.

Walk away from it all.

Kill him, end his rein, cause the system to fall.

Save him from his creations.

Jane struggled to keep the voices at bay. They told of temptation and lies. Her head pounded to the sound of drums and ached to be active. Her hands felt numb from the cold metal that encased around them.

"Shut up." She whispered to herself. "Keep it together." Her teeth were clenched as she gave a low growl.

She hated the supposed silence. Every shift in the walls made her jump. Out of habit, the slightly tap made her more nervous. Everything felt like a threat. She wanted to see why her dream told her what it did. Even at the end of it her blood ran hot with revenge as her sword plunged itself into a new body. Coated with blood she could hear her own voice.

"Now it has ended my friend."

The black sword lit up a magnificent blue as it was pulled out.

The face was blurred by tears.

"Forever and a day, I shall stay by your side like the dog that I am, and watch you take your last breath. From this blow I tear apart all that we have made so that someone new can create. For it is you who's too weak to live for me, while I have done so countless times over, the one who carries the burden is the king."

Something suddenly blocked a closer look at the face of the mysterious person on death's door.

"May we fall as angles together." Finished the raw voice.

That's when she woke up.

Jane gripped the roots of her hair. "Why are you dtelling me this? I don't understand..."

Uncurling herself she got out of the stiff chair, she could hear the sluggish taps of shoes, early morning, tiered, slowed response time. The grumbled to oneself as it was only two feet padding against the floor. Taking two steps toward the clicks on a lock pad Jane's nose barely pressed against the door.

"My, my, my, if it isn't the faithless creature." She spoke just loud enough as the door slid open.

A low growl grew in the throat of the person whom she look in the eyes of. "Jane." Said the scolding voice of Mae. "Why are you- WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE TABLE?!?" Her eyes were glued to the bent table in the corner of the room.

"I kicked it while I was asleep." Jane huffed as she circled back to her chair. "Not like I meant to do that."

"I... I didn't mean to scream at you. We have a raking test that you need to complete upstairs." Mae sounded more relaxed than before.

"Rank for how deadly. I've taken plenty." Jane almost sneered "Rank SS, Jane 382, ready for activation in field."

"Brainwashing?" Mae's eyebrows were raised.

"It was to show you that you're just a tool that they used." Jane's voice was quiet, barely able to be heard.

"Ordering might be skewed to ours, let's just do it." Mae waves for her to follow.

Jane got up. "So are you going to separate my hands like that shrink promised?" The two we're walking down a long hallway towards an elevator.

Mae smiled. "Don't worry this isn't permanent."

"Soft shell..." Jane murmured under her breath. "Where's Moonshine 08?"

"In a safe separate area." Mae presses the buttons and waited for the elevator to finally reach their level and bring them up.

"Putting someone's arms behind their back and restraining the feet as well as the rest of the body is more recommended especially with dangerous people. Surprised you just did the hands and collar." Jane laughed a little to lighten the mood as both of them stepped into the elevator. " It's funny, you get so use to being beaten up for some assholes then you miss the pain. Like an abusive ex. Is Moon doing ok? What's his heart rate? Blood pressure?Oxygenlevels?Hasheslept?Whathasheeaten?Hashehadameal?Are there any restrictions on the test? Why are you doing this?"

May gave her a weird expression as she was taken off guard from the sudden sprung of questions. It was like night and day between personality.

"Um..." Mae managed to get out as she scratched her head. "He's fine. We made sure his health was stable."

"What about the test? You seemed hellbent on keeping me till I spilled." Jane looked up at the top of the elevator.

"Sometimes people can surprise you when you show kindness." A small ding and the doors opened once they arrived on their floor.

"Stick and carrot." Jane's voice went back to a sour tone. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." She followed Mae into a white room as she still walked ahead to press against a wall.

A square panel from the wall pulled itself out from the mesmerizing white color. "This is out Augmented Mechanical Operations Nullifying Gauge. AMONG, set up for registration." Suddenly there was a place in the wall carved out to be a doorway for Mae.

"Brilliant nickname." Jane cocky smile appeared as Mae was walking out. "But, what are you nullifying?"

She turned around just as she got outside the doorway. "It's just a way to make those lips a little looser."

The door slammed shut and the echo it produced was loud.

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