Chapter 28: Drinks to Weapon

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May stepped out of the car first, followed by Scott, Axel and Nate. Sliding out slowly was Jane and Moon, they were masked as the two stepped up the sound of questions and cameras clicking suddenly increased. The two kept their heads bowed and hurried to need up with the rest of the group that was posing for a few photos. The mass of people crowded against the railing that acted as the barrier against them. Shouts of questions and comments followed them as the group stepped in the solitude of the building. The doors creeped as they buckled closed.

Jane pulled down her hood and took off her mask. "At least now I know what it's like to be famous." Her face attempted a light smile as her eyes drifted across the room. "What all is this anyway? I mean specifically."

Scott places a hand on her shoulder. "We need to get them to approve you and explain the situation."

"Is that all?" She sounded unimpressed by his instructions. "Tell Moon I want him in the top left facing the back where the stage is." A slight annoyance escaped her voice as she drifted off into the crowd.

Scott turned to Moon and he gave a sigh and headed for the stairs. He was there to do a scan, that's it. Jane was the one who cold tell when someone was hiding something, he just gave support for her. Sure, he was always in a post where Jane needed someone whom she could trust to get the job done. However, he also remembers how he woke up from a sinking feeling from her. She never talked what the terrors were about nor what she saw in AMONG. It was like Jane trusted him to have her back but not without walls. Those boundaries were still up, it was different growing up with how Phantom treated him as compared to being shoved into it. She opened his eyes to the outside world and in return she gained someone on her side.

Jane has given Moon, Patchwork, and Herring 3 important rules.

We don't over do anything
Ex: Stabbing someone over and over.
You follow my command and mine only.
Ex: During a fight.
Under no circumstances do you ever get emotional, it is strictly professional.
Ex: Dating with another on the team.
If you think something is wrong tell.
Ex: You see someone acting strangely .
No civilians get hurt.
Ex: Saving people or catching the target.

They agreed that their emotions would never cloud judgement.

Logic is everything for it's the difference between seeing something on paper and being in the real world. Every habit and movement would be analyzed for people under the influence of Phantom. Heart rates, eyes, body language, how they speak, and if they have any coms were all signs to be aware of.

Jane mingled for a while to see something in the corner of her eye.

White suit dragging something.

"GET DOWN AND TO THE SIDES!" Jane shouted only to have more white suited people appear. Glaring at them the other 4 rushed over through the panicked crowd.

"Don't open the doors, Scott and Nate make sure the civilians are safe, Mae and Axel you're going to stall some of these gusts until I get Moon out of the way. These are professionals, don't let them touch you with anything." She whispered. "Try to keep them calm and keep it clean. PTSD is something they'll already have just from all of this."

The group had split up but the time Moon joined them. Guns fired and the men had other closing weapons that were aimed for them. Dodging and attacking happened fluidly between the 6 until they gathered the white suits like sheep.

Jane reached for one of the weapons that flowed until something sharp felt like it stabbed her finger. Retracting it quickly she balled her hand into a fist before uncurling them. She looked at the fingers as though they were not her own.

Glancing upwards however Jane saw something that babe her hair stiff. Coldness circulated through her body and her throat tightened. She could feel the same negative reaction from Moon. It was like stepping on glowing glass. Every breath seemed to burn her lungs, the familiar high pitch whistle broke the air.

She could feel the tension the thing's muscles gave off as it launched itself from the ground. It's chalky rasp snuck around the room as Jane and Moon seemed to freeze themselves in place. The others followed their example, she glared at Mae who slowly raised a gun she had managed to grab.

It walked closer.

It's circled around where Mae was standing.

Jane presses a finger to her lips. As she turned around the thing's head snapped towards her and let out a vile growling sound. It slowly walked towards her as she saw Mae lungs at the thing. It flawed and let out horrific noises as it tried to tear off Mae from its back. Jane joined in and replaced Mae by knocking her off. Thrashing and shaking the monster went in circles as it threw Jane into a wall. With its pointed claws it continued to slam her into the ground.





Crack. It was the floor.

The thing let its grip go as Jane had such shallow breaths it was unclear if she was alive. Gurgled breathing and the dripping from blood from her mouth made the people scream in terror. The creature seemingly ignored that sound as it's head was pointed at Jane's body.

Her body felt like it was on fire.

Every breath felt like thousands of daggers.

The warm blood seeped out of her.

However, the pain meant she was alive.

One eye turned solid black.

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