Chapter 16: Anubis

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"Is she dead?" Asked Nate.

Jane was in a fetal position sideways. Her forehead dropped of blood as did several cuts around her body like glass shards had cut her. The shallow breaths she took made it difficult to determine wether she was alive or dead.

Mae crouched over Jane. "Pretty battered, looks like what those files said weren't completely true."

"Lets bring her to our base. Whatever she's looking for it's here and I bet that case of her's will tell us what." Scott grabbed Jane's briefcase.

"Scott, Jane needs medical attention before these wounds get infected." May huffed. "Axel do what you can for right now and I'll get us a ride." She had turned her head to look at him.

He crouched beside of Jane and uncurled her body slowly. Hovering his hands above her a yellow aura was produced as he stabilized her.

Mae stood up and glared at Nick. "Where was the tranquilizers that you had specifically for Jane? Why do we even bother researching something that we don't use?"

Nick gulped."I tried to but...she moved just as-"

Mae turned to Scott. "Why were you antagonizing her? We already knew she was quite hostile."

"I wasn't trying to." Scott mumbles.

"You told her she was going to be treated like a criminal!" Mae growled. "We knew why she didn't like that hospital, we knew why she freaked after Iwix and Cupid found her, and we knew what Phantom put her through!"

Scott started to frown and glance away before he realized something. "She didn't want the publicity..." He looked at Jane. "Whatever she needs to do one of the requirements is to not get the public's attention."

"Look, I'm sure this is some half though concoction so I'm going to call Happy and get us home." Mae rubbed the bright of her nose.

"But then Happy will-"Scott started to protest.

"Do you want to explain Jane to airport security? No? Then do something useful." Mae pulled her phone and took a few steps away from the others.

Scott walked over to Axel and helped in any way he could. Mostly covering up the bigger wounds with gauze, Axel was focused on her ribs more than anything. Once he had made sure it wouldn't cause any other internal damage it was wrapped too. Nate explained the situation to the rest of the police officers.

Both Axel and Scott stood up.

Axel called over Mae once she was done on the phone. Leading her a few steps away he looked jittery.

Axel glanced back at where Jane was laying. "Look at her hair. See something that's off?"

"It's...shorter and more oily." Mae's eyebrows furrowed. "How is that possible?"

"She brought her body to the condition when it was about a year ago. Jane didn't just slice off her horns but reversed its growth to a time it was not there to absorb energy. It was right after Phantom got her back, according to the records, when they started to develop and with it the growth of power." Axle brushed his hand across his face to let Mae add her input.

"Is it time itself around her or is it a biological change?"

Axel pulled out his phone from his pocket as the date read 11 months and 4 days ago. "This shouldn't be possible."

Mae glanced at the unconscious kid. "We live in a world where we are the impossible. We break science every day by just existing. One thing we do know is that something big is going to come." She turned back towards Axel. "Think she still has all of her memories?"

"Honestly, I haven't the faintest idea."

Scott came up to the two. "Jet is here."

"Let's get her loaded then Scott." Mae waved to him as an officer handed them a stretcher.

Quickly Mae, Scott, Jane, Nate and Axel got onto their jet. In a short flight to Nevada, the larger base's location, they brought Jane to a special recovery room.

The files made it clear that anything given through IV for a regular human would be processed too fast to be beneficial but there wasn't any recording how fast. The closest Phantom got was transliteration. So they placed her in a room with a bed. Toilet, sink, and shower was blocked off from the main room due to the massive amount of attempted escapes. Everything was glued to the floor. No pillows, no blankets. The room looked extremely similar to the one Iwix and Cupid got her out of just without all the blood and dirt and it had a bed. No screw on vents, thick walls and strong doors.

They made sure there was no escaping.

From all of the reports they had read through one could conclude that Jane could see all the different possible angles of even the slightest hint of escape. Skill learned but not comprehended that she was doing something else over her stay at Phantom. Perhaps in a another lifetime she would have been the world's best escapist but that wasn't ever her intent to make a run for it. The way that Phantom taught her how to operate made it easy for her to go right under them and cause a distraction from what Jane really meant to do.

Gather as much as she could.

She had already figured how to break the collar and the restraints but saved it for the real escape.

Now Jane was about the same power level as Scarlet. The thing was all of her portals, tool creation, and whatever else she could do demanded an extreme concentrations of that energy. This made it highly difficult to create one portal let alone two.

There she laid on the bed with bandages scattered across her. Taking in deeper breaths Jane woke up a couple days after the whole incident in that room.

Forever alone.

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