*( Chapter 2 )*

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I woke up on Nique's leg because we fell asleep all in the living room from staying up all night. I tried to get up but DeeDee was on my legs so I had to pushed her off of me.

DeeDee: Damn TT ( while pushing her )

Don't push me ( pushes back )

DeeDee: Ugh 

( start fighting and yelling )

DeeDee: (Screams) let go of my hair !

( Nique POV )

I woke up from noises that sounded like yelling and I see these 2 fools over here fighting so I go over to them and push them apart.... WTH IS Y'ALL FIGHTING OVER !?!?!





( DeeDee POV )

When I went to go sit down I turned the TV on and saw they were talking to Mindless Behavior... Aye they talking to Mindless Behavior...


Nique: Like nah duh

Omg shut up please...


( On the TV/ interview )

Speaker: So I'm here with Mindless Behavior and I hear that ya'll is taking a break for the summer is that true ?

Prodigy: Yes that is true.

Speaker: Well do ya'll want to share where y'all staying at?

Roc Royal: Sure we will be staying in Miami, South Beach

Speaker: O cool... So ya'll gonna try to get them girls digits?

Princeton & Roc Royal: Ya you know how we do !

Ray Ray: Man ya'll know ya'll don't be getting no digits.

Princeton: Naaawww man you know it's the other way around and don't even lie.

Ray Ray: Naw you got me messed up

Speaker: Well OK. So for all you Mindless Behavior fans, Mindless Behavior will be staying in Miami South Beach for the summer so try and check them out.


( TT POV )  

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!! Bro I cant believe that Mindless Behavior is going to be staying in the same city as me, I have to go see them especially Prodigy, I have to make him mine.

DeeDee: Whoa TT calm down. You know that MB don't really like overreacted fans, they want you to be normal as you are everyday.

Nique: Well if they don't like overreacted fans then why do they perform ?

DeeDee: No I meant when they are meeting you and...

Nique: ( Looking lost )

DeeDee: Never mind

But Destiny you know damn well that we probably wont see them anyway so we might as well just forget it.

Nique: Ya but you never know what's gonna happen

DeeDee: Ya like we can just be at the park and BOOM there they go, walking to the basketball court

Well OK. But i'm gonna look on their website and see if they put up the date of when they are coming down here

Mom & Dad: Good morning girls

All of us: Good morning

Mom: Hey did ya'll hear that a boy band is gonna be coming to Miami. I know ya'll happy

Duh were happy, why do you think i'm on the Internet trying to see when there coming

DeeDee: Cause your obsessed


Nique: Um shut up... We are all obsessed OK.


( Ray Ray POV/ In LA )

I can't wait till we get to Miami. I wanna see some babies but cant get in a relationship since I'm dating my childhood friend Aaliyah. We been dating for 2 months now. She is so amazing, she is my whole world and my everything, I just wish that she can come with me to Miami but her dad said no. Just then I had got a text from her.

( Text Convo )

Aaliyah: Hey I got to talk to you

Me: OK whats up

Aaliyah: You know I love you so much but I think we need to break up and just remain friends because I don't wanna do this anymore

Me: ( Sad) Alright we can still be friends

(30 Mins later)

Ugggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh she just broke my heart now i am nothing....... What do I do now ????

Keisha: OK guys well I just talked to Walter and they want ya'll to go to Miami tomorrow morning at 7 so be ready in the morning...... Are you OK Ray Ray ?

( Sad tone ) Ya

Keisha: Do you want to talk about it ?

No I really don't... But um can you just leave me alone for awhile ( leaving the room )

Roc Royal: Wonder what's his problem


So that's the end of this chapter, hope its getting good.

Will the girls meet MB ?

Is Ray Ray gonna get over it ?

#Stay Mindless <3

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