Chapter 2: The Next King of Games (Cyberse vs Ancient Gear Golem)

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[It's the day of the entrance exam to Duel Academy. Many people from all around flock to get a chance to enter the best duel school around. In the crowd watching the duels are several specific students. Alexis Rhodes watches besides Zane Truesdale. Chazz Princeton watches with his posy. The Tyler Sisters watch together. And a girl named Celina pays close attention]

Crowler: I guess no one else is coming.

[A boy comes running over]

Boy: I'm sorry that I'm a little late. May I still take the test?

Crowler: I'm sorry but we have no room for slackers in this academy.

[Blue Angel walks over]

Blue Angel: I would like to see him duel.

Crowler: Why is that?

Blue Angel: I don't know. Something tells me he special.

Crowler: Special? Have a name?

Playmaker: Just call me Playmaker.

Crowler: Very well. You can take the test. I'll lead you to the arena.

Playmaker: May I duel someone who is an actual challenge?

Crowler: I guess I could give you the test.

Playmaker: Excellent.

[Playmaker and Crowler prepare to duel]

Blue Angel: This is going to be interesting.

Playmaker: Get set to get your game on!

Playmaker/Crowler: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Crowler

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Crowler- 4000 LP

Crowler: I'll go first. I place two cards face down. Now I activate the spell: Heavy Storm! This destroys all spell and trap cards on the field!

Celina: He destroyed his face downs?

Crowler: This now activates the effect of my trap cards: Statue of the Wicked. When it's destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I can special summon a Wicked Token. I sent two to the Graveyard so I get two tokens.

Wicked Token: Level 4- 1000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Crowler: I now sacrifice my two tokens to summon my strongest monster! Step forward, Ancient Gear Golem!

Ancient Gear Golem: Level 8- 3000 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Alexis: Wow. He summoned his most powerful monster on his first turn!

Zane: That kid is in way over his head.

Crowler: With that I'll end my turn. You're up, Young Scholar.

Turn 2- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Crowler- 4000 LP

Playmaker: I expected more. My turn. Draw! Since I control no monsters, I can special summon Linkslayer!

Linkslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Playmaker: Now I summon Dotscaper in ATK Mode!

Dotscaper: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Crowler: Are you trying to lose on purpose?

Playmaker: I'm not. Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!

[The circuit appears. Everyone gasps. Blue Angel smiles]

Blue Angel: I knew you were special.

Playmaker: The summoning conditions are two monsters! I set Linkslayer and Dotscaper in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Security Dragon!

Security Dragon: 1100 ATK/ Link-2

Gloria: All of that for that monster?

Grace: I know. What's he planning?

Playmaker: Dotscaper monster effect, activate! Since it was sent to the Graveyard, I can bring it back! Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are at least two effect monsters. I set Link 2 Security Dragon and Dotscaper in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 3 Transcode Talker!

Transcode Talker: 2300 ATK/ Link-3

Blue Angel/Alexis/Celina: It's him!

Crowler: Impressive but still can't beat my monster.

Playmaker: Are you sure about that? Transcode Talker monster effect, activate! It can bring back one Link 3 or lower Cyberse monster from my Graveyard and summon it back next to its link. Welcome back Security Dragon! Security Dragon monster effect, activate! Since it's co-linked, I can return one monster back to your hand! I choose your Ancient Gear Golem!

Crowler: No!

Playmaker: Transcode Talker monster effect, activate! Since it's co-linked, both it and the co-linked monster gains 500 ATK.

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK - - -> 2800 ATK

Security Dragon- 1100 ATK - - -> 1600 ATK

Playmaker: This duel is over. Battle. Security Dragon, direct attack!

Crowler: Ahh!

Crowler- 4000 LP - - -> 2400 LP

Playmaker: Transcode Talker, direct attack! Transcode Finish!

Crowler: Ahh!

Crowler- 2400 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Playmaker

[The crowd applauds as the duel ends]

Crowler: Well done, young scholar. You'll do well in Obelisk Blue

Blue Angel: (Giggles) I finally found you.

Alexis: That was amazing. Looks like you got a rival.

Zane: It would seem so.

Alexis: (Thoughts) I never gave up hope.

Grace: He's got some serious skill. We better keep our eye on him.

Gloria: Totally worth it. He's good looking.

Chazz: Did Crowler say that he's being placed in Obelisk Blue? I guess I have to put the Newbie in his place.

Celina: He told the truth. He did come. Now, I need him to help me.

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 2 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now