Chapter 9: For the Sake of Syrus (Cyberse vs Cyber Dragon)

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[Playmaker is walking through the halls when he is approached by Jaden, Alexis, and Blue Angel]

Alexis: I told you, Jaden. It's a bad idea.

Jaden: Bro, I need another favor.

Playmaker: Depends on what it is.

Jaden: I want you to beat Zane in a duel!

Playmaker: Why?

Jaden: He's the reason why Syrus didn't play "Power Bond." I want you to teach him a lesson!

Playmaker: Why me?

Jaden: Don't you want to beat the best duelist in school?

Playmaker: I don't have to because I already am.

Jaden: Please, little bro. Do this for me. Please.

[Jaden stares at Playmaker]

Alexis: Be careful, Playmaker. Zane isn't someone to mess with. In fact, he's been looking forward to dueling you. That's never a good sign.

Blue Angel: You can walk away, Playmaker. You don't have to do this.

Jaden: Please, little bro. I'm begging you.

[Playmaker sighs]

Playmaker: Where is, Zane?

[Playmaker finds Zane]

Zane: I heard you were looking for me?

Playmaker: I don't appreciate people hurting my friends.

Zane: Are you talking about my little bro?

Playmaker: I am. I'm a little bro as well. We stand up for each other.

Zane: What are you going to do about it?

Playmaker: I challenge you to a duel!

Zane: A duel? I'm okay with that. I've been looking forward to your challenge. There is something I want to show you.

Playmaker: Name the time and place.

[Playmaker meets Zane at the docks. Jaden, Syrus, Alexis, and Blue Angel watch from the sidelines]

Blue Angel: Zane has been looking forward to dueling, Playmaker?

Alexis: He has but I don't know why.

Playmaker: I'm ready for you, Zane.

Zane: Are you sure? You've dueled many times. You're deck is predictable. You've used the same old strategies over and over again. Do you really think someone like me wouldn't have a backup plan?

Playmaker: Only one way to find out. Let's do this. Get set to get your game on!

Playmaker/Zane: Duel!

Turn 1- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Zane- 4000 LP

Playmaker: I'll go first if you don't mind. My turn. I place a monster face down in DEF mode and two cards face down. Turn end.

Turn 2- Zane

Zane: That strategy again? I'm 100% certain that I know what those cards are. Time to make you regret your mistake. My turn. I draw. I can end you right here but I want to show you something first. Now since you control monsters and I don't, I can special summon Cyber Dragon without tributing from my hand!

Cyber Dragon: Level 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Zane: Now I summon Protor-Cyber Dragon!

Proto-Cyber Dragon: Level 3- 1100 ATK/ 600 DEF

Zane: Let me show you why I've been looking forward to seeing you! Appear, the circuit of the Cyber Dragons!

[The circuit appears and everyone gasps]

Jaden: No way! He can link summon?

Zane: The summoning conditions are Cyber Dragon and one other machine type monster. I set Cyber Dragon and Proto-Cyber in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Cyber Dragon Sieger!

Cyber Dragon Sieger- 2100 ATK/ Link-2

Playmaker: Now this is interesting.

Zane: I'm not done. I now activate the spell: Polymerization! I fuse together two more Cyber Dragon's in my hand! Appear, Cyber Twin Dragon!

Cyber Twin Dragon: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Zane: I'm still not done. I activate Cyber Dragon's Sieger special ability! Since Cyber Twin Dragon is next to Cyber Dragon Sieger's link and has more than 2100 ATK, Cyber Twin Dragon can gain 2100 ATK until the end of this turn!

Cyber Twin Dragon- 2800 ATK - - -> 4900 ATK

Zane: To make things worse, this monster can attack twice!

Alexis: Zane can use the first attack to destroy his monster and then the second attack to finish him off!

Syrus: Playmaker is in trouble!

Zane: Battle. Cyber Twin Dragon, attack his face down monster! Double Strident Blast!

Playmaker: Trap card, open: Magic Cylinder! Now all of the damage you're sending my way hits you!

Syrus: He was prepared!

Zane: I activate the quick spell: De-Fusion! This splits my Cyber Twin Dragon back into two Cyber Dragons! Now the first one will attack your face down! Strident Blast!

Playmaker: I don't think so! Trap card, open: Mirror Force! Now all of your monsters are destroyed!

Zane: What!

Jaden: Playmaker had a backup plan!

Playmaker: You're good, Zane. I had a feeling you were close to figuring out how to beat me. But nonetheless you still failed. If you saw what I did though, that might help.

Zane: It did. All I wanted to show you was that I could link summon. This duel was a success for me.

[Zane places his hand over his deck]

Zane: I surrender.

Zane- 4000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Playmaker

[Zane walks over to Playmaker]

Zane: I know how to beat you now. This duel was a success.

Jaden: What about, Syrus?

Zane: I don't take back what I said.

Jaden: Why you! You surrendered to avoid a beating! I'll face you now.

Playmaker: Enough, Jaden. If Syrus wants his brother's respect, he needs to earn it. He has great opportunity to show it.

Zane: You better not disappoint me, Syrus.

[Zane walks away]

Jaden: He got off easy.

Playmaker: He did. But I want to know is how he knows how to link summon.

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