Chapter 5: Raring to Go Pt.1 (Trickstar vs Cyber Blader)

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[It is the day of the promotional exams. A student has the chance to move up. It starts with a written exam and then a duel. Jaden was late as usual. Playmaker and Blue Angel got their exams and were the first to finish to no one's surprise. Playmaker and Blue Angel talk outside the classroom]

Blue Angel: So, how is school treating you?

Playmaker: Like the top student.

Blue Angel: You mean one of the top students. I'm tied with you.

Playmaker: Whatever.

Blue Angel: What are the odds that we face each other in the exams?

Playmaker: Possible but unlikely. I bet there have already been people to want to challenge us.

Blue Angel: Wouldn't surprise me.

[Time passes and it's time for the duels. Playmaker and Blue Angel wait together. Blue Angel then has her name called]

Blue Angel: I'm up. Wish me luck!

[Blue Angel stepped into the arena and waited for her opponent]

Blue Angel: Who is the unlucky soul who I'm crushing today?

[Alexis walks forward]

Blue Angel: Alexis? So you're the unlucky soul who will lose to me today?

Alexis: Actually, I asked for this match up.

Blue Angel: Why pray tell?

Alexis: I may have lost against Playmaker but that still means I can still beat the second best duelist here.

Blue Angel: What makes you think you can?

Alexis: I didn't get a chance to summon my ace monster last time. This time I won't make the same mistake.

Blue Angel: Let's hope that ace monster is good enough to beat mine.

Alexis: She is. Now, let's get this duel underway.

Blue Angel: Very well. Good luck. Because you're going to need it!

Blue Angel/Alexis: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Alexis

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Alexis- 4000 LP

Alexis: I'll go first. My turn. I activate the spell Polymerization to fuse together Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater! I fusion summon! Cyber Blader, wow the crowd!

Cyber Blader: Level 7- 2100 ATK/ 800 DEF

Alexis: I end my turn. Let's see you get past this monster.

Turn 2- Blue Angel

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Alexis- 4000 LP

Blue Angel: Okay, everyone, stay blue! It's my turn! I draw! First, I activate the spell Trickstar Lightstage! This let's me add a Trickstar to my hand! I can summon her straight to the field! Say hello to Trickstar Lilybell!

Trickstar Lilybell- Level 2- 800 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Blue Angel: Now I summon Trickstar Nightshade!

Trickstar Nightshade: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 0 DEF

Blue Angel: Now it's time for the real fun to begin! I'll build the circuit that turns dreams into reality! The summoning conditions are two Trickstars! I set Trickstar Lilybell and Nightshade in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Trickstar Holy Angel!

Trickstar Holy Angel: 2000 ATK/ Link-2

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