Prologue: Meeting the Truesdales

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[Syrus is sitting by himself working on his deck]

Syrus: There we go. With this deck, I'll go far. I could possibly beat my brother.

[Syrus is approached by the Masked Man]

Syrus: Hey. I've heard of you. You're a duelist who beats everyone in one turn. I bet I could at least surive a turn with you.

Masked Man: Is that so? Want to prove it?

Syrus: Of course I do.

Masked Man: Well, then. Show me what you got.

[Syrus and the Masked Man prepared to face off]

Masked Man: Last chance to back out.

Syrus: No. I will survive at least a turn.

Masked Man/Syrus: Duel!

Turn 1- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Syrus- 4000 LP

Syrus: Going second is one of your strategies. I'll let you go first.

Masked Man: It doesn't matter what order we go. My turn. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. I then place two cards face down. Turn end.

[The Masked Man had placed Dotscaper in DEF mode and placed the traps Mirror Force and Magic Cylinder]

Turn 2- Syrus

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Syrus- 4000 LP

Syrus: Not so tough when you go second, huh? My turn. I draw! (Thoughts) Okay. What did I draw? "Power Bond"? This will come in handy. I have Gyroid and Steamroid in my hand! I can fuse them together to make Steam Gyroid. Then its ATK will double. But it's not good if it only beats his DEF monster. Then I'll take damage. What else do I have in my hand? I have Drillroid! That will work! When it attacks a DEF monster, the DEF is automatically destroyed! It would destroy the monster and then Steam Gyroid will beat him in one turn! I can win this! I'll be the one to take down the Masked Man!

[Syrus prepares to make his move]

Syrus: I summon Drillroid in ATK Mode!

Drillroid: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Syrus: Now I activate the spell: Power...

[Before Syrus can activate his spell card, his brother Zane Truesdale appears]

Zane: Syrus you idiot! Stop the duel!

[The duel ends before finishing. Zane walks over to the Masked Man and hands him a card]

Zane: Here. Take this rare card and don't speak of this duel again. What face downs did you have set?

Masked Man: I had Mirror Force and Magic Cylinder.

[Zane turns to his brother]

Zane: Never play this card, Syrus. You can't play it until you're a true duelist. Those face downs would have destroyed your whole strategy. You're an idiot. You were going to play a card but didn't even think about his face downs. You're a disappointment.

[Zane walks away. Syrus is on his knees in tears]

Syrus: I'm a disappointment? How can he say that to his own brother?

Masked Man: You're not a disappointment. I just had the right cards.

[Syrus doesn't even acknowledge that the Masked Man had spoken. The Masked Man walked away]

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