Prologue: Meeting the Bracelet Girl

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[A girl named Celina is walking by herself in Duel Academy]

Celina: It's not fair. I should be allowed to participate in Duel Academy's secret plan. I'm the best duelist here. Even if I'm in Slifer Red, there is no duelist who can match my Lunalights.

[Celina continues to walk why she approached by Chazz Princeton]

Chazz: Hey! Want to grab lunch sometime?

Celina: Move it, Princeton. I'm not interested. Go drool over Alexis or the Tyler Sisters.

Chazz: I like to have options. Is that so bad?

Celina: If you were the only boy here I still wouldn't consider you.

Chazz: What if I beat you in a duel?

Celina: You've tried that tactic before. Just move on.

Chazz: I will this time. Someday you'll see that I'm the best choice. In fact, all of the girls will!

Celina: Keep dreaming. I'm not becoming part of your harem or anyone else's.

[Celina walks away]

Celina: Is there anyone who can beat or at least give me a good challenge?

[Celina continues to walk when she sees the Masked Man standing in front of her]

Celina: Who are you? You aren't a student.

Masked Man: I am not. Well, not yet anyway.

Celina: If you're not a student that I must report for trespassing.

Masked Man: How about if I beat you in a duel? If I win, you keep quiet about this?

Celina: I haven't dueled you yet. Maybe you'll give me a challenge. I'll take you down!

[The Masked Man and Celina prepare to duel]

Celina: Last chance to surrender peacefully.

Masked Man: We're already past that point.

Celina: Very well. Just know that I gave you an out.

Masked Man/Celina: Duel!

Turn 1- Celina

Masked Man: I'll go first and I'll start by activating the spell: Polymerization! I fuse Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly! By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the fluttering fury of a night time huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!

Lunalight Cat Dancer- Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Celina: I'll end my turn by playing a face down. Your move!

Turn 2- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Celina- 4000 LP

Masked Man: I expected more. My turn. Draw. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon Linkslayer!

Linkslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Masked Man: Now I summon Balancer Lord in ATK!

Balancer Lord: Level 4- 1700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Masked Man: Balancer Lord monster effect, activate. By paying 1000 LP, I can normal summon another Cyberse Monster from my hand. Say hello to Dotscaper!

Masked Man- 4000 LP - - -> 3000 LP

Dotscaper- Level 1- 0 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Celina: Don't insult me. Take this duel seriously!

Masked Man: Careful what you ask for. Magic Card: Cynet Crosswipe, activate. By tributing Dotscaper, I can destroy one card on the field. Say goodbye to Cat Dancer.

Celina: I may have lost my monster but that's okay. Trap card, open: Lunalight Reincarnation Dance! When my monster is destroyed, I can add two Lunalight Monsters to my hand.

Masked Man: Too bad there won't be a next turn. Dotscaper monster effect, activate! When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can bring it back to the field. Now it's time for the real fun to begin! Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!

[The circuit appears. Celina is awe stricken]

Masked Man: The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters. I set Balancer Lord and Dotscaper in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Flame Administrator!

Flame Administrator: 1200 ATK/ Link-2

Masked Man: I'm not done. Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are at least two effect monsters! I set Link 2 Flame Administrator and Linkslayer in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link summon! Appear, Link 3 Transcode Talker!

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK/ Link-3

Celina: Nice monster but I thought you said you'd finish me this turn. That monster can't.

Masked Man: You sure about that? Transcode Talker monster effect, activate! I can bring back from the Graveyard one Link 3 or lower Cyberse Monster and summon it next to its link. Welcome back, Flame Administrator!

Celina: Not again but you still can't beat me.

Masked Man: It's rude to interrupt. Flame Administrator monster effect, activate! All link monsters gain 800 ATK!

Flame Administrator: 1200 ATK - - -> 2000 ATK

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK - - -> 3100 ATK

Masked Man: This duel is over. Battle. Flame Administrator, direct attack!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina- 4000 LP - - -> 2000 LP

Masked Man: Transcode Talker, direct attack! Transcode Finish!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina- 2000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Masked Man

Celina: I can't believe I lost.

Masked Man: I won so you must keep your promise.

Celina: I will uphold my end of the bargain. Become a student here so I can have a rematch with you.

Masked Man: I won't do that today. I will tomorrow. I'll see you then.

[The Masked Man walks away]

Celina: He can teach me to be a strong enough duelist so I can one day escape from here.

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