Chapter 6: Raring to Go Pt.2 (Cyberse vs XYZ)

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[The promotional exams continued. The Tyler Sisters won theirs. Jaden won as well. Celina won with ease. Then Playmaker's name was called. Everyone was excited for the duel. Playmaker stepped into the arena. People were already cheering for him. He showed no emotion to the praise. Chazz approached him]

Chazz: Hey there, newbie. Miss me?

Playmaker: Not really.

Chazz: We'll get to finish what we started last time. You got lucky! Now I have new powerful cards that will easily defeat you!

Playmaker: Put your money where your mouth is. Let's just get this over with. Get set to get your game on!

Playmaker/Chazz: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Chazz- 4000 LP

Playmaker: I'll start. I place two cards face down. I summon Dotscaper in DEF Mode!

Dotscaper: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Playmaker: Turn end.

Turn 2- Chazz

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Chazz- 4000 LP

Chazz: Is that it? If it is then you're in trouble! My turn! I draw! I activate my spell: Magicial Mallet! I can return it and the rest of my cards in my hand to my deck and then redraw the same number! I drew Magicial Mallet! I'll do it again but only it and two other cards to my deck and then redraw. I summon V-Tiger Jet in ATK Mode!

V-Tiger Jet- Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Chazz: Now I activate Frontline Base! Once per turn during my Main Phase, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower union monster from my hand! I special summon W-Wing Catapult in ATK Mode!

W-Wing Catapult: Level 4- 1300 ATK/ 1500 DEF

Chazz: I now banish these two monsters and summon VW-Tiger Catapult!

VW-Tiger Catapult: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Chazz: I now activate my monster's special ability! By discarding a card from my hand, I can change the battle mode of one of your monsters! Dotscaper is going into ATK Mode!

[Playmaker shows no emotion on his face]

Chazz: Not phased? You will be after I destroy your monster! Attack with Heat-Seeker Blitz!

Playmaker: Trap card, open: Mirror Force! Now your monster is destroyed!

Chazz: No! Urk. I end my turn with a facedown.

Turn 3- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Chazz- 4000 LP

Playmaker: I'm going to finish what I started last time. My turn. Draw. Since I control a Cyberse Monster, I can summon Backup Secretary!

Backup Secretary: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 800 DEF

Playmaker: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse Monsters! I set Dotscaper and Backup Secretary in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I link summon! Appear, Link 2 Flame Administrator!

Flame Administrator- 1100 ATK/ Link-2

Playmaker: Trap card, open: Cynet Regression! Since I link summoned, I can destroy one card on the field and then draw one card! Say goodbye to your face down!

Chazz: Urk.

Playmaker: Dotscaper monster effect, activate. Since Dotscaper was sent to the Graveyard, it can return to the field! Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning the conditions are at least 2 effect monsters! I set Link 2 Clock Spartoi and Dotscaper in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 3 Transcode Talker!

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK/ Link-3

Playmaker: Transcode Talker monster effect, activate. I can summon one link 3 or lower Cyberse monster from my graveyard next to its link! Welcome back, Flame Administrator! Flame Administrator monster effect, activate. All link monsters gain 800 ATK.

Transcode Talker 2300 ATK - - -> 3100 ATK

Flame Administrator- 1200 ATK - - -> 2000 ATK

Playmaker: This duel is over. Battle. Flame Administrator, direct attack!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz- 4000 LP - - -> 2000 LP

Playmaker: Transcode Talker, direct attack! Transcode Finish!

Winner: Playmaker

[The duel ends and everyone applauds. Blue Angel runs over and hugs Playmaker who returns the hug. Playmaker was then awarded to be placed in a class that was above Obelisk Blue. Playmaker switched his blue uniform for a purple one]

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