Prologue: Meeting the Rhodes

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[One day, Alexis is sitting by herself when he brother, Atticus, arrives]

Atticus: What are you doing, little sister?

Alexis: Making my deck. May you help me?

Atticus: Sure. Not a problem.

[Alexis and Atticus build her deck together. After they are finished, Alexis has a big smile on her face]

Alexis: Thank you!

Atticus: That is a good deck. It won't beat mine though! No deck can!

[A voice is heard]

???: Are you sure about that?

[The two look to see the Masked Man]

Masked Man: I'd like to take a crack at that deck.

Atticus: You're on, buddy! I never say no to a challenge!

Alexis: Atticus, don't. I don't like the looks of him.

Masked Man: There is no need to be worried. I'm just a duelist passing by.

Atticus: See, sis? Nothing to worry about!

[The Masked Man and Atticus prepare to face off. Alexis looks on with anticipation]

Alexis: Be careful, Atticus. I can tell this person is hiding many tricks up his sleeve.

Atticus: Don't worry, sis. I got this duel in the bag.

Masked Man: That's some confidence you got there. Let me take you down a notch.

Masked Man/Atticus: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Atticus

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Atticus- 4000 LP

Atticus: Since you challenged me. I'll go first! My turn. I summon Black Dragon's Chick in ATK Mode!

Black Dragon's Chick: Level 1- 800 ATK/ 500 DEF

Atticus: He may look small but he has one amazing special ability! I can send him to the Graveyard to bring out Red Eyes Black Dragon!

Red Eyes Black Dragon: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Atticus: I know that I can't attack my first turn but I will cause you damage! I activate the spell: Inferno Fire Blast! Since I have Red Eyes on the field, I can give you damage equal to his ATK! That's 2400 LP!

Masked Man- 4000 LP - - -> 1600 LP

Atticus: I set one card facedown. With that I'll end my turn.

Turn 2- Masked Man

Masked Man- 1600 LP/ Atticus- 4000 LP

Masked Man: Impressive. Let's see if I can top that. My turn. Draw. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon Linkslayer!

Linkslayer- Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Masked Man: Since I control a Cyberse Monster, I can special summon Backup Secretary!

Backup Secretary: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 800 DEF

Masked Man: Since I control two monsters of the same kind, I can special summon summon Cyberse White Hat!

Cyberse White Hat: Level 6- 1800 ATK/ 2400 DEF

Masked Man: Let's see you top this. Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!

[The circuit appears and Atticus and Alexis are shocked]

Masked Man: The summoning conditions are two effect Monsters! I set Backup Secretary and Cyberse White Hat in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I link summon! Appear, Link 2 Pentestag.

Pentestag: 1600 ATK/ Link-2

Atticus: What's a Link summon?

Masked Man: Story for another time! Cyberse White Hat monster effect activate! When it's used to link summon, all of your monsters lose 1000 ATK until the end of the turn!

Red Eyes Black Dragon- 2400 LP - - -> 1400 LP

Masked Man: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are at least two effect monsters! I set Link 2 Pentestag and Linkslayer in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 3 Transcode Talker!

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK/ Link-3

Masked Man: Transcode Talker monster effect, activate! It can bring back one link 3 or lower monster from the Graveyard next to its link! Welcome back, Pentestag! Also when it's co-linked with a monster, both it and the monster gain 500 ATK!

Transcode Talker- 2300 ATK - - -> 2800 ATK

Pentestag- 1600 ATK - - -> 2100 ATK

Masked Man: Battle. Pentestag, attack!

Atticus: Ahh!

Atticus- 4000 LP - - -> 3300 LP

Masked Man: Transcode Talker, direct attack!

Atticus: Ahh!

Atticus: 3300 LP - - -> 500 LP

Atticus: I activate my trap card: Call of the Haunted! I can use it to bring back Red Eyes Black Dragon!

Masked Man: One card, set. Turn end.

Turn 3- Atticus

Masked Man- 1600 LP/ Atticus- 500 LP

Atticus: My turn. I draw! I summon Red Wyvern in DEF Mode!

Red Wyvern: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Masked Man: Now I activate the spell: Dragon Treasure. This spell equips to Red Eyes and it gains 300 ATK! Since your turn is over, it has its original ATK back!

Red Eyes Black Dragon- 2400 LP - - -> 2700 ATK

Atticus: Red Eyes, attack Pentestag! Inferno Fire Blast!

Masked Man: Trap card, open: Scrap Iron Scarecrow! This negates your monster's attack and then goes back to summoning condition.

Atticus: Urk. I end my turn. At least I know I'll get another turn.

Turn 4- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Atticus- 500 LP

Masked Man: My turn. Draw. There won't be a next turn.

Atticus: What are you talking about? One of my monsters is in DEF Mode and the other has 2700 ATK. There is no way you'll end me this turn!

Masked Man: Time to prove you wrong! Battle. Transcode Talker, attack Red Wyvern! Pentestag monster effect, activate! When it's linked to a monster and, you take damage even if your monster is in DEF Mode!

Atticus: What!

Masked Man: Transcode Finish!

Atticus: Ahh!

Atticus- 500 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Masked Man

[Alexis was shocked that her brother had lost. Atticus stands up and laughs]

Atticus: That's quite a deck!

[Atticus walks over to the Masked Man]

Atticus: My name is Atticus and this is my sister Alexis. I hope we can be friends.

Masked Man: Sure. I could use some friends.

[The Masked Man shakes hands with Atticus. Alexis smiles and the Masked Man. The three became very close until one day the Masked Man disappeared. This disappointed Alexis and what made matters worse, her bother went missing. Alexis held hope though that she would meet the Masked Man again and he would help her find her brother]

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 2 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now