Chapter 1: Trickstar vs Ancient Gear

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[At Duel Academy, it's the day of the entrance exams. Crowler is pacing back and forth while others watch]

Man: Something wrong, Dr. Crowler?

Crowler: I heard that we have a celebrity duelist on her way here!

Man: What's so special about her?

Crowler: They say that she invented a new summoning technique!

Man: Interesting.

[Over in a corner, Alexis Rhodes and Zane Truesdale talk amongst themselves]

Alexis: A celebrity is coming? Sounds interesting.

Zane: A new summoning technique. That would be interesting to see.

[A limo appears along with security. A girl in a blue outfit walks out]

Blue Angel: Hello! Blue Angel has arrived!

[The rest of the students are surprised at the look. Crowler runs over]

Crowler: Blue Angel, it's an honor to have someone like yourself here!

Blue Angel: Why thank you! Glad to be here! So, I would like to get this test underway!

Crowler: As you wish!

[Blue Angel is led to the arena. Everyone pays close attention]

Blue Angel: Let's have a fun duel shall we?

Blue Angel/Proctor: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Blue Angel

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Proctor- 4000 LP

Blue Angel: Ladies my first! My turn! I activate the field spell: Trickstar Light Stage! This allows me to add a Trickstar to my hand!

Alexis: Trickstar?

Zane: That's new.

Blue Angel: She is someone I'm allowed straight to the field! Say hello to Trickstar Lilybell!

Trickstar Lilybell: Level 2- 800 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Blue Angel: Now since all my monsters are Trickstar, I can summon Trickstar Corbane!

Trickstar Corbane: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Blue Angel: Now it's time to show what I'm famous for! I'll build the circuit that turns dreams into reality!

[The circuit appears. Everyone gasps. Zane pays close attention]

Blue Angel: The summoning conditions are two Trickstar monsters! I set Lilybell and Corbane in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Trickstar Holy Angel!

Trickstar Holy Angel- 2000 ATK/ Link-2

Alexis: What is that?

Blue Angel: Haha! I'm not done! I now summon Trickstar Candina!

Trickstar Candina: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 400 DEF

Blue Angel: She allows me to add a Trickstar card to my hand. This now activates Holy Angel's ability! When a monster is summoned next to her link, you take 200 LP of damage!

Proctor- 4000 LP - - -> 3800 LP

Blue Angel: That then triggers Trickstar Light Stage. Taking another 200 LP!

Proctor- 3800 LP - - -> 3600 LP

Blue Angel: Now I activate Trickstar Lycoris ability! I can switch her for my Candina!

Trickstar Lycoris: Level 3- 1600 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Blue Angel: This activates the cycle again!

Proctor- 3600 LP - - -> 3400 LP - - -> 3200 LP

Blue Angel: Now to wrap things up. I place a card face down and end my turn!

Alexis: Wow. First turn and she's already caused damage.

Zane: Interesting strategy.

Turn 2- Proctor

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Proctor- 3200 LP

Proctor: My turn. I draw!

Blue Angel: Sorry to interrupt but you triggered Lycoris's ability! Everytime you draw a card, you take another 200 LP of damage!

Proctor- 3200 LP - - -> 3000 LP

Blue Angel: That triggers Light Stage!

Proctor- 3000 LP - - -> 2800 LP

Blue Angel: Holy Angel now gains ATK equal to the damage you took! Holy Blessing!

Trickstar Holy Angel- 2000 ATK - - -> 2200 ATK

Blue Angel: Now since I dealt you effect damage, my Trickstar Narkissu's ability activates which allows to summon herself to the field!

Trickstar Narkissus: Level 4- 1000 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Blue Angel This triggers the cycle again!

Proctor- 2800 LP - - -> 2600 LP - - -> 2400 LP

Alexis: She hasn't even attacked yet and she has caused lots of damage!

Blue Angel: This was your turn. Right? Sorry to steal your spotlight. I'll do my best not to interrupt you again okay?

Proctor: I summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!

Ancient Gear Hunting Hound: Level 3- 1000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Proctor: When it's summoned, you take 600 LP of damage!

Blue Angel- 4000 LP - - - 3400 LP

Proctor: I now activate the spell: Polymerization to fuse Ancient Gear Hunting Hound on my field and the two in my hand! Watch as the fury of the pack takes the shape of a single raging beast! I Fusion Summon! Triple Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!

Triple Ancient Gear Hunting Hound: Level 7- 1800 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Proctor: This monster can attack three times! Now, attack Trickstar Narkissus!

Blue Angel: I don't think so! I activate Dark Angel's effect from my hand! By sending her to the Graveyard along with Narkissus, you're forced to attack a different monster! You will attack Holy Angel!

Proctor: Uh oh.

Blue Angel: Holy Angel then gains the ATK of Narkissus!

Trickstar Holy Angel- 2200 ATK - - -> 3200 ATK

Proctor: Ahh!

Proctor- 2400 LP - - -> 1000 LP

Blue Angel: Nice try!

Proctor: I end my turn.

Turn 3- Blue Angel

Blue Angel- 4000 LP/ Proctor- 1000 LP

Blue Angel: Time to end this! My turn! I draw! This is the grand finale! Holy Angel, attack directly and end this duel!

Proctor: Ahh!

Proctor- 1000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Blue Angel

Blue Angel: Haha! That's how you stay blue!

[The crowd applauds as the duel ends]

Alexis: She's interesting.

Zane: True but that strategy will only get her so far.

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