Chapter 7: The Shadow Duelist (Cyberse vs Archfiend)

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[Playmaker is studying in his room when he gets a call from his brother]

Playmaker: What's up?

[Jaden]: Syrus, Chumley, and I are going to check out the Abandoned Dorm. Want to come?

Playmaker: Why would I do something that I know is against the rules?

[Jaden]: Because Alexis, Celina, and Blue Angel are here? They want you to come.

Playmaker: Sounds dumb.

[Jaden]: Please, little bro!

Playmaker: Fine. You owe me. On my way.

[Playmaker makes his way to the abandoned dorm]

Chumley: So that's Playmaker?

Jaden: The one and only! Come on! Let's go check out the dorm!

[The group walks together. Blue Angel grabs Playmaker's arm]

Alexis: What are you doing that for?

Blue Angel: I'm a little scared so Playmaker will help me stay calm.

[Alexis attempts to do the same as Blue Angel but is beat by Celina]

Celina: I'm not scared. I'm making sure that he isn't.

Syrus: He's only been here a short while and he already has all the girls.

Jaden: I know. It kind of makes me jealous.

[The group walks around and see a room about the Millennium Items. The group continues to walk around when they find "Etoile Cyber" on the ground]

Blue Angel: That's Alexis's card.

Playmaker: Where is Alexis?

[The group hears a scream and run towards the direction of the sound. They see Alexis tied up in a coffin]

Playmaker: Alexis!

[A voice is heard]

???: You finally come!

Playmaker: Who are you and give us back Alexis!

Titan: My name is Titan. She is bait to bring you here.

Playmaker: You know, I don't really appreciate people using my friends as bait.

Titan: I challenge you to a Shadow Duel! Win and you get your friend back!

Jaden: The Shadow Games don't exist.

Playmaker: They do, Jaden. Don't ask how I know but they do. Very well, Titan. I'll duel you!

Titan: I'll duel you on one condition. You give me that monster of yours!

Celina: Why do you need his monster?

Titan: To make it a far duel of course!

Blue Angel: Can't beat him outright so you need a handicap?

Playmaker: I agree to those conditions.

[Playmaker removes Transcode Talker from his deck and throws it to Titan]

Playmaker: Enjoy it while you can because I'll be taking that back with me.

Blue Angel: Hey, Celina. Do you think if we were in Alexis's shoes that Playmaker would come for us?

Celina: I would never be in her shoes because I wouldn't get caught.

Blue Angel: I'd put up a fight.

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