Chapter 4: A Duel in Love (Cyberse vs Cyber Blader)

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[Playmaker is studying in his room. It had been a long day. He was followed by the Tyler Sisters all day. He caught them. He didn't understand why they did that. That didn't stop though from continuing. One night when he's about to go to bed...Playmaker gets a call]

[Jaden]: Hey, little bro. Can you help me with something?

Playmaker: What?

[Jaden]: I need you to help me and Syrus out.

Playmaker: What did you do?

[Jaden]: Well, Syrus got caught sneaking into the Obelisk Blue girls' dorm. I've gone to help him but when I did I accidently said that I knew Playmaker. Now Alexis wants to duel you.

Playmaker: You're an idiot. You know that?

[Jaden]: I know. So will you help me?

Playmaker: Fine.

[Jaden is with Alexis, the Tyler Sisters, and Syrus at a dock]

Alexis: Where is he, Jaden?

Jaden: He's coming, Alexis.

Gloria: You better hurry or we'll just turn you in.

Syrus: That's not fair! All conflicts should be solved by dueling! It's in our motto.

[Celina arrives]

Alexis: What are you doing here, Slifer?

Celina: I'm here to watch Playmaker.

[Blue Angel arrives]

Blue Angel: As am I.

Alexis: I'm glad you both are here. You get to witness me beat Playmaker.

Blue Angel: What makes you think you can do that?

Alexis: He is nothing without his link monsters. That's why he's so good! He would lose if he was on even footing.

[Playmaker arrives]

Blue Angel: Well, he's here to prove you wrong.

Alexis: Good evening, Playmaker.

Playmaker: I don't have time for this. Let's just get this over with.

Alexis: Not so fast. I have some conditions before this duel starts.

Playmaker: I'm listening.

Alexis: You aren't allowed to link summon!

Playmaker: Why not?

Alexis: They put me at a great disadvantage. You only beat people in one turn because of that summoning technique. Without it, you're nothing. If you were on everyone's level, you'd be a Slifer.

Playmaker: Do you really think that I have to rely on one monster to win? You're wrong. Let's up the stakes. I only get one turn to beat you. If it takes more than one turn than I automatically lose.

Celina: She's already put a heavy restraint on you. You don't need another.

Playmaker: Well, she's underestimating me. This will be a handicap.

Alexis: Well then. If you win, then you and the other boys can go free. If I win, they get turned in.


Playmaker: Deal.

[Playmaker and Alexis get set to duel as the others watch]

Jaden: I sure hope he knows what he's doing.

[Alexis and Playmaker stare at each other]

Syrus: Neither is afraid of the other.

Playmaker: Get set to get your game on!

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