Chapter 8: Duel and Unusual Punishment (Cyberse vs Steamroid)

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[Playmaker is lying in the grass by himself when he gets a call]

[Jaden]: Little bro, we need your help! We're in serious trouble!

Playmaker: What did you do this time?

[Jaden]: Someone turned me and Syrus in! Now we have to win a tag duel in order to stay!

Playmaker: This is why you don't do things you're not supposed to do.

[Jaden]: Syrus needs some encouragement and I'm not good at that. Help me out?

Playmaker: Fine. Tell Syrus to grab his deck. We're going to duel. I need to see what he's made of.

[Jaden]: I'll let him know. Meet us at the shore!

[Playmaker meets Jaden, Syrus, Alexis, and Chumley. Syrus looks nervous]

Playmaker: What's with that look, Syrus?

Syrus: I'm facing you. Why wouldn't I be nervous?

Playmaker: My deck isn't unstoppable, Syrus. Have the right card and you'll beat me.

Syrus: I just don't think I have the right cards.

Playmaker: Enough talk. Let's duel. Get set to get your game on!

Playmaker/Syrus: Duel!

Turn 1- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Syrus- 4000 LP

Syrus: Going second is one of your strategies. I'll let you go first.

Playmaker: It doesn't matter what order we go. My turn. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. I then place two cards face down. Turn end.

Turn 2- Syrus

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Syrus- 4000 LP

Syrus: Not so tough when you go first, huh? My turn. I draw! (Thoughts) Okay. What did I draw? "Power Bond"? This will come in handy. I have Gyroid and Steamroid in my hand! I can fuse them together to make Steam Gyroid. Then its ATK will double. But it's not good if it only beats his DEF monster. Then I'll take damage. What else do I have in my hand? I have Drillroid! That will work! When it attacks a DEF monster, the DEF is automatically destroyed! It would destroy the monster and then Steam Gyroid will beat him in one turn! I can win this! I'll be the one to take down the Masked Man! But my brother says I'm not good enough to play "Power Bond." I guess I'll use Polymerization.

[Syrus prepares to make his move. Playmaker and Jaden notice Syrus's hestitaion]

Syrus: I summon Drillroid in ATK Mode!

Drillroid: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Syrus: Now I activate the spell: Polymerization! I fuse together Gyroid and Steamroid to fusion summon: Steam Gyroid!

Steam Gyroid: Level 6- 2200 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Syrus: Battle. Drillroid, attack his face down monster! My monster's ability activates! When it attacks a DEF monster, it's automatically destroyed!

[Playmaker shows no emotion]

Syrus: Now, Steam Gyroid, attack directly! Train Twister!

Playmaker: Quick spell Magic card: De-Fusion, activate. I can separate a fusion monster on the field into the monsters that were used to fuse!

Syrus: What! Doesn't matter! You're still wide open! Gyroid, attack directly!

Playmaker: Trap card, open: Mirror Force! Now all of your monsters are destroyed!

Syrus: No way!

Jaden: He saw it coming!

Playmaker: We've been in this situation before, Syrus. You hesitated. I saw it. I know what card you drew. You should of played it. Now time to learn what happens when you second guess yourself. End your turn so I can finish you.

Syrus: I end my turn.

Turn 3- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Syrus- 4000 LP

Playmaker: My turn. Draw. Dotscaper monster effect, activate! Since it was sent to the Graveyard, I can bring it back!

Dotscaper: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Playmaker: Now I summon RAM Clouder in ATK Mode!

RAM Clouder: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Playmaker: Since I normal summoned a Cyberse Monster, I can summon Boot Staggered.

Boot Staggered: Level 5- 2300 ATK/ 500 DEF

Playmaker: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse Monsters! I set Dotscaper and RAM Clouder in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Flame Administrator!

Flame Administrator- 1200 ATK/ Link-2

Playmaker: Flame Administrator monster effect, activate! All Link monsters gain 800 ATK!

Flame Administrator- 1200 ATK - - -> 2000 ATK

Playmaker: Time to end this. Battle. Flame Administrator, direct attack!

Syrus: Ahh!

Syrus- 4000 LP - - -> 2000 LP

Playmaker: Boot Staggered, direct attack!

Syrus: Ahh!

Syrus- 2000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Playmaker

[Jaden walks over to Syrus]

Jaden: That was a nice try, Syrus. My brother is just really good. I'm curious. What card did you draw but didn't play?

[Jaden takes Syrus's hand and sees "Power Bond"]

Jaden: "Power Bond"? Why didn't you play it?

Syrus: My brother says that I'm not good enough to play it. It's something you and your brother will never understand!

[Syrus runs away and is followed by Chumley. Jaden starts to run but Playmaker stops him]

Playmaker: Where do you think you're going, Jaden?

Jaden: I'm going after my partner.

Playmaker: I don't think so. Not until we duel first.

Jaden: I'm sorry, little bro, but this is more important than a duel.

[Jaden runs away. Alexis walks over to Playmaker]

Alexis: Have you two dueled before?

Playmaker: No. He keeps putting it off. I'll face him one day.

Alexis: There are cards that can beat your deck?

Playmaker: Yes. Very simple cards. I just wish people weren't so stupid.

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