𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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You are the most loved person in Russia now. The last emperor, the tsar was unqualified and ignorant. You warned him so many times, try to explain how Russian people are treated under his rule. He didn't listen. Your love of Russia burned inside of you, you saw the future that he is going to cause, a mess. You called your loyal soldiers and overthrow him, he can never sit on the throne again.

Common people and aristocrats were impressed by your courage and love. They decided to crown you, as the empress-regnant, tsarina (y/n) the first. 

You have been dressed by your maids, you are excited and nervous but also strong and bold. Russia is weak and fragile and it cries for you (y/n). You hold the royal jewellery and carry a heavy crown on your head. A maid comes and fixes your (c/n) hair which felt to your forehead.  

Doors are open for you, you walk on the red carpet. All court is here to watch your coronation. You take a deep breath and start your fight with gravity. Everyone starts to bow down as you walk. 

'By the grace of God, (y/n) the first, the Empress of all Russia, Moskow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod-

You look straight to the throne but you can see people from the corner of your eye. It is like the whole empire is here with you, watching you with their both eyes. 

'Queen of Kazan, Queen of Astrakhan, Queen of Siberia-'

The way becomes longer each time your title is said out loud. Your white silk dress gets in the way, you feel like your legs are tied. 

'The sovereign of Pskov, and the Grand Duchess of Smolensk-

You feel dizzy. You awake yourself. No, you are going to complete this walk  

'Princess of Estonia, Livonia, Karelian, Tver, Urga, Perm, Vlatka, Bulgaria and others.

The hard is gone easy left. Your hands are becoming sweaty. 

'Chernigov, Ryazan, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozersk-'

You are very close now, just one or two steps. Your cape has swept the floor, which is also heavy, decorated by Russian eagles.  

'Cherkassy, Gorksy and others, the hereditary Empress and possessor- 

You turn before you sit. You look all the people bowed down. You sit on the throne of the biggest empire of Europe

'Long Live Tsarina (y/n) the First!' everyone repeats over and over. The bells start to ring, you get outside to meet with the common people. They are waving at you and laughing, cheering and singing for you. 

You are taken to the St. Petersburg Palace. The court is celebrating, eating and drinking. Many nobles come to introduce themselves and compliment your beauty and brain. Your advisor, Grigory Orlov finds you in this mess. He bows before you and kisses your hand. 'Your imperial highness, there is someone who wants to meet you.' he says with a humble voice. If your advisor suggests anything you check without hesitation. So you follow him to your office. 

A young blonde man, who is taller than you are watching outside from the window. Orlov leaves you alone with him. He doesn't react, just continues what he is doing. You walk near him. 'Your garden looks amazing, (y/n)' he says with a serious tone. 'May I ask, who are you, my lord?' you ask the man who can't address the empress of Russia. 'I am called Russia.' he says. 

'Russia?' you shocked. 'How- how you can be Russia?' you say and look at that mad man. he turns to you and smile. 'You can call me Ivan if you like.' he says. You sit on one of the chairs. You put your hand on your forehead. 'I just can't understand.' you say quietly. He comes and kneels, holds your other hand. 'I am the Russia you love, (y/n)' he says calmly. 'I am the Russia who loves you, who is waiting for you to change me, avenge me, make me the greatest.' he starts to kiss your hand. You pull your hand away from him and hold his face with your both hands. You stare at his blue eyes and kiss him on the forehead. You get up and take your crown and put it on the desk. 

'So Ivan, let's start making you great.' 

Tsarina ∣ Ruler!Reader x RussiaWhere stories live. Discover now