𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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My dearest, (y/n)

It has been a few days but I already missed the sparkle of your eyes. I paid a visit to my neighbours. They didn't seem to understand why I am there, they thought I came to become one with them. If you spot a Hungarian army near Ukraine border, eh please don't react quickly. It would be best to send a talented delegate or a diplomat. Well, you are the tsarina after all. I won't be embracing you for two or three months.

Love, Vaš muž

You read a letter from Ivan. You start to miss him dearly. But some countries arrived in court. Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia and Lithuania. They seem to distract you.  You ask for ink from Lithuania.

"The owner of  only the smile that heats me in Siberian Cold, how does that sound?" You ask Lithuania. He nods quietly.

I am the most unhappy but I think I can handle three months. I seemed to find an amusement in this palace which I feel your absence.

"Hm, that's some good sentences." You turned to Lithuania. "Come on, you can't have any idea!" You try to make him talk. "Well, I... think those are great but... since I would write to a girl I am not an expert about male love interests, I'm deeply sorry" Lithuania apologised. You lean back. "Who is she?" You ask. He blushes. "Belarus."

Ivan made it clear that I shouldn't let her come near the capital. She seems to have issues. You just stare at him. 'I hope, it doesn't affect your productivity of work... Also, aren't you married to Poland?' you ask. He panics and starts to stutter. 'I promise you, (y/n), I will work harder.' he looks down. You get up and look outside, the sunflowers. 

Estonia enters the room with papers. '(y/n), the reports came from Betskoy.' you turn around. 'Ah, perfect timing.' you take the papers from Estonia and start to read. 'Estonia, take notes.' you sit on the chair next to the window. Estonia takes a pen and paper. 'We should form a school, for everyone, for both genders. But... I guess we should start with orphanages.' you make Estonia write everything you say. You turn your eyes to Estonia. 'Hm, did you collect the taxes?'

You go to the garden for lunch with Baltics, since Sweden and Prussia have bad intentions for them, you have to keep an eye on them. The weather isn't that bad, you sit on the grass. 'Is it harvest time? I can't wait to eat strawberry jam pie.' you yawn. 'Can we have some beet soup?' Latvia asks. You get up. 'I never tried it, but if we have some beet why not.' you smile. '(y/n)!!' Ukraine runs towards you. 'Poland captured Russia.' you stare absently at Ukraine. 'Are-are you sure that was Poland?' you ask. Ukraine gives you an envelope. It was full of scrabble and a sketch of Poland. You turn to Lithuania. 'Let's get your wife.' 

It has been two weeks that your army is preparing for war. It seems a little operation, you didn't have to spend so much money yet you will get nice ports but: 

Dear Majesty (y/n),

We heard you declared war on Poland, that sounds delightful. If you accept our alliance and let us have some trade cities and Austrian villages, we will agree to sign the non-aggression pact. But if you don't we will offer Poland the same and fight beside them

Sincerely, Archduke of Austria. 

You stare at the paper for 3 minutes straight. That sounded like a nice deal and Austrian-Polish alliance might be a big threat since they would call Prussia without a doubt. Eh, Austrian villages were out of your interest. So you approved, hoped that Hungary would consider Austria's pact valid. 

Next day, the campaign started. It took a few hours to find Ivan since he didn't need any help. Your army entered Polish territory from Przemyśl. 

You see Ivan and run towards him and hugged tightly. He is taller than you, way taller that you felt like a baby-bear. He kisses you on the forehead. You are in your green military uniform, you take your jacket off. You both enter the tent. 'Do you want any vodka? I also bring a pechka, yeah that was hard and Orlov was like With respect how we can bring an oven inside of the tent and I said Ivan loves hot strawberry jam.' you pull the blanket and proudly show the pechka. He puts his hands on your shoulders. 'I guess I love hot something else.' he whispers to your ear. You blush like you have a fever.  His hands gently touch your neck. 'There is a war going on...' you softly say and turn. Your eyes met. He smiles with pain. 

You pick your jacket and by Ivan's help, you get on your horse and ride to the base. Your generals are arguing, loud sounds are coming from the study room. You pull the doorknob and enter. 'Good Afternoon, gentlemen.' you greet them. Alexei Orlov comes with a paper. 'French is fighting against us?' you stare at them. Alexei takes off his hat. 'Marie Leszczyńska, Polish princess is... married to the king of France.' he explains with a quiet voice. 'But Austria... oh.. Maria Antonia.' you touch your forehead. 'But... we are not that desperate, are we?' you walk harshly to your desk and rummage your papers. 'Baltics didn't send any troops?' you glance for a moment. 'Your majesty, Prussians are... blocking the way.' Potemkin reports. You sigh. 'Did they... send their demands?' you ask. 

Ivan comes in, finds you sitting on the ground with a paper in your hands. You lift your head. 'They want me to marry Prince Augustus.' you say with a sarcastic voice. Ivan smiles. 'Look at the bright side, if you marry him your child will have a claim on Prussia. So we would just-' you join him and finish his sentence. 'conquer it.' you throw the paper. 'And act as regent. Nice, by your logic I can claim Sweden then Denmark then Norway... ' Ivan picks you up. 'You don't look for happiness.' he hits the right notes. 'You are right.' you fix your hat. 'I should write to them.' You walk slowly to your desk, you pick the feather and burst out crying. Ivan comes to soothe you. He holds your head and pulls closer to his chest. 'I don't want to do it.' you sob. He touches your cheek and wipes the tears. 'I know... I know...' 

With Baltic troops, your prince on white horse arrives. Your eyes become red from crying all night. You sat on window marble all night on your white cotton nightgown. You watch Prussian prince enter the castle. Yekaterina enters with Ukraine. '(y/n), would you let us... dress you up?' Yekaterina asks. You don't move for a while. Yekaterina pulls you to the platform. You just stand while they dressed you up and make your makeup. 'Eh, at least prince would...' Yekaterina silences Ukraine. You just pull a broken smile from the mirror. 

You walk through the halls and climb down the stairs. There is a meaningless crowd. As you walk, people move to sides. You stare at prince's face but can perceive. He bows so do you. You glance at your officers. Every Russian have the same displeased expression on their face. He makes a move to hug you, with discomfort and loathe, you do the same. 'I greet you, groom number two.' you whisper in Russian. 

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