𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱: 𝐕𝐨𝐝𝐤𝐚, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐬' 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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You get out of your hiding spot to see who was talking. That was your maids. You walk on the dark wood floor. Maids kneel before you. You hold one of them from shoulders and slap her. Other maids are looking at you in shock. They can't move, not until you allow them. 'Stand up, cyka.' you yell at the maid who has fallen to the ground. She stands up, looks down. 'What's your name?' you ask. She doesn't answer and starts to sob. 'You were talking just fine.' you say in an unbelievably in cold blood. 'Did your tongue fall off as you did?' you yell at her. 'Kozlova' another maid says in fear and stress. You turn to Kozlova. You hold her arm and get near to her ear. 'Welcome to your hell' you whisper to her ear. She stands like a doll with no expression. You walk to others and whisper the same thing as well. You turn your head to Ivan. He is smirking.

'What is going on here?' Anna walks towards you. You look at her green eyes. 'Nothing, just beating the rats.' you bite your lower lip and start to play with Anna's hair. 'If you don't mind, would you show those lovely ladies the way of the dungeon?' you ask softly. Anna nods.

You turn from the right. Ivan was waiting for you there. 'It won't stop the gossip.' he says. You start to walk, you don't know where. 'We should check all the maids.' you talk to yourself. 'If those... little' you stop yourself. 'Ugh, you know who I am talking about!' Ivan smiles. 'You are cute when you are angry.' you turn to him and smile. 'am I? Because I'm going to be gorgeous!' you start to walk backwards. ' Spies are dangerous as armies marching to St. Petersburg.' you say to Ivan. 'True, true.' he nods. You enter your library you thought no one would be there but no, in this enormous palace, the room you enter is always occupied.

'Ah, your majesty.' you can't stand Count Orlov's face or voice now. He kneels with a man near him. 'Oh, no.' you think. 'I need to break a heart to stay in a romantic relationship with a country. ' you continue in your dream world. 'I wish I was a lesbian that would have a logical explanation.' Count Orlov shows the gentleman. 'This is Prince Feliciano of Italy.' Orlov introduces the prince. You start to laugh. You see their faces, looking at you in confusion. 'All the way from Italy? Dancing with hungry bears is safer than an Italian coming to the north.' you say. Feliciano smiles in pain. 'So, to what do I owe this visit?' you ask. Feliciano is looking stressed. 'I came here to ask your hand in marriage.' you give a death glance to Orlov. You smile sarcastically. 'And, who told you I was interested?' you ask. Feliciano looks at Orlov. 'I did your majesty. You need to get married and we have to make an alliance.' You take a breath and take one step closer to count. 'Neither Russia or I need an ally.' you say. You turn to Feliciano. 'I'm deeply sorry your highness. I have to decline your generous offer.' you leave the room. Ivan is missing once again. Someone holds your hand. That is Feliciano. He bends the knee and holds your skirt. 'Please your imperial majesty.' he starts to kiss your skirt and hand. You feel pity for his cute face. 'Please... please...' he is making a scene. You come closer 'Let's speak about this in the garden.' you offer.

His body is not for Russian weather. His red hair and brown eyes come in the focus among the snow. ' I felt in love... someone I shouldn't' you smile. 'Now you have my attention.' you say and try to make him comfortable. 'He has the most beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair' he is talking about him with sincere words. 'He?' you ask. He turns to you with terrified eyes. 'Yes...' he says. 'Let me guess, you don't want to shame your family and prove that you are a man, you came to me, a single most powerful lady in the world to marry.' you say. 'And far away from home.' you add. He laughs. 'Get out of my mind, my lady.' he says. He is deeply devasted and sad. 'And why would I do that?' you ask sarcastically. He stops.

'Well, you will have an alliance with Italy...'

'Do you really think Italy would help me in any war?'

'No.. actually I don't think... it is more like you help us...' he says distressed. You think a bit and touch sunflowers.

'What about...I call him to my court? You can stay here as an honoured guest... or maybe undercover... Russian people won't approve feeding an Italian.' you smile. He smiles in pain. These harsh words are true. 'So, what is his name?' you ask softly. He waits to speak. 'Prince Ludwig of Germany.' he says. You stare at him, surprised. 'You have high standards. Why you didn't propose to his sister?' you ask. He looks down. 'I wasn't allowed to.' he says. You hold his arm and get inside. You ask one of the guards to show his room.

You enter your office, hoping Ivan would be there. He is watching outside as usual. 'What happened?' he asks. You close the door. 'Nothing... poor boy is sent here as a punishment... I didn't accept his proposal.' you say and sit on your seat. 'You can't decline every proposal.' he says with a cold voice. 'You can escape now...' he says ruthlessly.

'You didn't think of it earlier... what changed?' you ask cold as him. 'You didn't really fall for me... do you?' you don't answer you just look at his eyes. He curses and punches the wall. 'No one worths my attention but you.' you say in a low voice. You pour some vodka into your glass. 'Let's say we are married... what am I going to give birth to? A human or land?' you laugh and drink. After a few minutes, you fill it again. Ivan is staring at you. 'Answer my question!' you yell sweetly. You stand up and hug Ivan, try to reach his lips but you are short compared to him. Ivan holds you and makes you sit again. 'What if I find-' he is trying to speak with you but you distract him with your loudly pouring vodka noises. 'Aren't you in human form? You should have a human body... which makes you a male!' you drink. 'It is a criterion for a husband isn't it?' you ask. Ivan just looks how stupid you get with vodka. 'If I just hold you and get you to church and find someone who is okay to marry you... what could you do against me anyway?' he seriously asks. 'You can't... you loooove me.' you say and smirk then burst out laughing.  'I don't... really.' he says cynically. 

'Why?' you raise your voice, you are really out of hand. You start to mess your hair. 'I did- everything for you and still... you are- impossible!' you get up and start to throw things around. Ivan embraces you tightly. 

Tsarina ∣ Ruler!Reader x RussiaWhere stories live. Discover now