𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Anastasia was walking around the room, worried. She was selected among 500 noble girls, by Elena Glinskaya, Grand Princess of Moscow to be the bride of Tsar Ivan. She was checking her dress, her maids were looking at her, waiting for an order. She has (colour) hair, combed and washed, (colour) eyes which are tired from sleepless nights. She turned around and sat near maids who were reading the bible. 

A lady knocked on the door. One of Anastasia's maids rushed to the door. That was a lady-in-waiting of Elena. 'Her grace is asking for your presence.' she said and escorted her to the crown room. She glanced at Elena and her son, Ivan. A priest of Orthodox faith declared them married and Ivan crowned her as Tsaritsa consort of All Russia. 

He was dealing with mental problems at the time which affected his ability to rule.  He acted strange towards Anastasia, making her cry. In those times she ran to the chapel and prayed for silence. She put her hands on the marble looking at the cross. She was whispering her prayers until she heard a footstep. She jumped and held her candle. 'Who is there?' she asked to the darkness. A tall man with dark blue eyes and whitish blonde hair. 'I'm sorry if I scared you.' he said softly. Anastasia was still holding a candle towards him, she was ready to burn if he takes one more step. 'Who are you?' she asks again, her hands were shaken. 'I am Russia.' he said. Anastasia started to laugh. 'Russia is the name of the land!' her laugh made an echo in the chapel. 'But, I am...' Russia tried to explain himself but realised he can't. 'What about calling me... Ivan?' he suggested. 'You are familiar with that name aren't you?' he said and sat near her. 

'He is actually a nice person. I can pacify him most of the time but... sometimes his anger becomes bigger than him.' she said. Ivan was listening to her carefully. She stopped and heard the music. 'Can you dance?' Anastasia asked. Ivan nodded. She held his hands and pulled him. They danced until musicians' hands bled from the strings they touched. She was laughing and giggling most of the time. When they stopped she points him and said'I saw your smile!' which was Ivan's real smile.

Tsar Ivan was more healthy when you compare him with his past. Anastasia was a great consort and helped him with his issues. She still could see Russia and read some poetry she wrote. She brought six children to this world only a few survived. Prince Ivan was one of them. 

İn the summer of 1560 Anastasia fell ill to a lingering illness, which caused chaos at the court. Russia was guarding and watching her in her bed. Tsar Ivan suffered a severe emotional collapse suspecting that his wife had been a victim of malicious actions and had been poisoned by the Boyars whom he already had a strong dislike for due to their abusive actions toward him during his childhood. 

Anastasia died on 7 August which caused the new era, Time of Troubles. Tsar Ivan was uncontrollable, thinking Boyars poisoned Anastasia which was true, she was poisoned. 

In response to her death, he developed a corps of fearsome black-clad men who terrorized on his behalf, Russia has formed Oprichnina, the policy included mass repression of the boyars including public executions and confiscation of their land and property. 

That was how Ivan got the nickname of 'Terrible'. The slayer of children of Russia. All for Anastasia... did it worth?

Russia notices that you are still waiting for his response. He sighs. 'I like the name.' he says and closes the door of the girl who reminded him Anastasia so much. 

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