𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐮 𝐈𝐬𝐭 𝐄𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡ö𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝

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You and mysterious stranger thought to go to town at night time was the most reasonable thing because you both wanted some vodka. He dragged you to outside, where carriages were kept. You started to search for yours. When you saw the red carriage you called the Russian. He came and stared at it. 'Is that really yours?' he said.'Yes, why?' you asked. He pulled the ribbon and untied your mask. It felt to ground and your (e/c) eyes shined. He stared at you while picking your mask. You beated your mask because of the dust and looked at his face. 'Haven't, you see a girl's face before?' you asked, you really didn't need vodka to lose yourself. He apologised and you both stole your carriage. 

He took you to a pub. 'I don't think it would be wise to drink inside.' he advised. You looked at him, didn't understand what he meant. 'What could possibly happen? Plus, you are with me.' you objected. He seemed he couldn't oppose but he held your arm when you were about to enter. 'I think you really shouldn't get inside as a woman and a noble.' he insisted. You nodded sadly and waited for him to return. When you were looking at the wooden fence, a couple of men came nearby. 'Are you lost?' one of them said. 'Look at her clothes.' another yelled. 'I bet she stole it, let's get it back.' tried to touch you. 

'May I help you, gentlemen?' the Russian came back. Men looked at each other and decided that they can't take him down. When they are gone, he gave you a crystal bottle and offered his arm. You held his arm tightly and thanked him and promised you will pay back. 

You were walking to the woods. 'Are you Orthodox?' you wondered. He looked down to see your face. 'It depends, do you need one?' he asks and smiles. He didn't take off his mask. 'I... I really want to become a true Russian.' you gushed. 'Also the literature... I am really fond of Antiochus Kantemir* and Mikhail Lomonosov**. To be fair, Russian literature is interesting than literary works I am permitted to read.' you confessed. He changed the direction. 'How could you access to those when you have numbered books you are allowed to read?' he wondered sincerely. You giggle and came closer to the Russian. 'Never tell anyone but my father might left me something before he... past away.' you gulped down. He held your hand and heated it. You felt better. 

You stopped near a frozen lake, it seemed night in Russia is cold enough to freeze a lake. The ground was wet so he carried you for few metres. You walked around until you found a suitable place to sit. He took off his jacket and grounded for you to sit. 'Thank you.' you say cheerfully and sat. He didn't mind some dirt on his outfit. He took his glass. 'Za zdorovje!' he said. You raised your glass too. 'Za zdorovje!' 

You drank slowly while stargazing. You turned your face to the man sitting near you. 'Why didn't you took off your mask?' you asked and reached for its ribbon. He held your hand and unwillingly, it seemed, kissed you on lips. He immediately back off. You started to rub your lips and stand up. 'Are you trying to impregnate me?' you freaked out and ran on ice. The man tried to stop you but you felt into the frozen water. 

You woke up but still unconscious, burning like you are in hell. God is punishing me for adultery, You thought. Your mother and some maids were swarmed around you. Yekaterina often checked your forehead. 'It has been a few days, the doctor said she can...' you saw the lady lean to your mother's ear. She freaked out. 'Call a Lutheran priest!' she screamed and held the sheets tight. 'I-' with the last strength you had, you held your mother's hand. 'I want an Orthodox priest.' you said loudly. 

The rumours spread faster than your illness through your body. Everyone was talking about half-blood princess converting into orthodoxy. 'She did it against her mother and her Swedish relatives, they forbid it!' some talked. 'She found the right way' some said. A patriot with blue eyes and platin blonde hair, tall and handsome who recently joined a ball, draw attention in public. 'Our previous emperor's granddaughter, our beloved passed prince's daughter who had been kept away from her motherland and locked in Sweden, came back as a true maiden of Orthodox faith! Who calls her half-blood should be a half-wit, she is a true Russian princess! Long live Princess (y/n), Grand Duchess of Moskow!' he fired the public up, everyone cheered and repeated. 'Long Live Princess (y/n)!'

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