𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬

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A maid opens the curtains, you roll in the bed and cover your head with a blanket. 'Your imperial majesty, it is the morning you have business to attend to.' A female voice tries to make you wake up. 'Hm, who are you?' you ask while rubbing your eyes. A lady curtsies to you and smiles. ' Yekaterina, your majesty. I was your friend before coup d'état-' you stop her and gently throw a small pillow which you got from your back. 'Katyusha you pretty bird, of course, I remember you.' you get up and hug her. She drops the pillow and hugs back. You look at her green eyes. 'Aren't you newly married why you are here in court?' you ask. She lets you go and helps you put your morning robe. ' A letter arrived a week ago, it said it is urgent.' you sit on a chair, looking to the mirror and staring your (colour)eyes. She starts to brush your (colour) hair. 'It said I was expected at court and reprimanded because I couldn't attend your coronation party because I was getting married. So I packed all my stuff and rushed to come here.' You turn around. 'Who sent you that letter?' you ask, you have someone on your mind but you need her confirmation. 'Well, it didn't have a seal mark just a name, Ivan.' 

You get up and run towards the hallway. Yekaterina yells at you 'You are in your nightgown for god's sake!' you don't care and race yourself to your office. You open the door, which Ivan isn't alone but with Orlov. Ivan turns around to the door, you run to him and hug. 'Thank you!' you say quietly. Orlov touches your arm. 'Majesty, you are in your nightgown.' he says embarrassed. You pull your robe to cover yourself and apologise. With Yekaterina who had to run all the way on high heels, you return to your room. 

'Why did you visit your office?' she asks. You shrug and feel the heat in your cheeks. She giggles. 'That's because of Count Orlov?'you grimace and tell her never. It doesn't seem she buys it. She helps you choose a dress. You choose the (colour) one and gets you dressed. 'I heard it is a new fashion in France. You have nice taste.' she flatters you. She spreads perfume to your chest area and you call your other ladies to escort you to your office. While you are walking, you hear no gossip but whispers. People of the court whispers behind you. Running with your white dress shouldn't be a that big deal. You dismiss your ladies and enter the office. 

Orlov has left but Ivan is there. 'Sorry to hugging you like that.' you smile to Ivan. 'I thought you would be happy.' he says. You sneer. 'You didn't have to scare poor Yekaterina.' and you smile. You take a breath and sit on your chair and pull yourself close to the desk. 'After signing a peace treaty with the church, we can fix the law.' you catch Ivan's attention. I say we should get a... representative from every group which lives in Russia-' Ivan cuts your sentence and sits in front of you, looking serious. '(y/n), you need to marry.' you don't want to understand him first, he tries to explain himself. 'We need an heir.' he says. You smile and shake your head. 'I don't need to marry, there is always an heir. My cousins, my uncle can take my place when I am gone.' you try to make Ivan change his mind, you are almost crying. Ivan holds your hand tight. 'I can't handle another civil war.' he says, your hand starts to ache he holds too tight you try to pull. 'I-Ivan, you are hurting me.' you look at his blue eyes and start to cry. Ivan gets up to comfort you but you get out of the room immediately, shut the door. You ladies outside the room stand up and bow down, you ignore them and walk towards the north, hoping to find peace at the chapel. 

'I am not going to share my throne with some fifty years old.' you say to yourself and sob. You start to rub cold marbles. 'Elizabeth was married to England...' you speak with yourself. 'I never thought it was... someone!' you start to smile but it doesn't last long. You hold your head and think about your future moves. If you make laws now, maybe it will need changes. Maybe you should let lawyers deal with it. But what about the economy, even now church helps you, you are still penniless. Europe is at war, there is no one to help you and if Prussia or Sweden notice your situation... you don't even want to think about that. You sense someone's existence in the room. You lift your head and see Ivan. He sits near you. And pulls you closer. 

'Stop it.' you get angry at him and get up. 'I am trying to save you from being poor and an easy target.' you mumble to yourself. 'Ah, still thinking about me? I am being spoiled here.' he smiles and comes near you, kneels and holds your hand. 'I'm sorry I pushed you. It should be your decision.' His hands are cold, you put yours to heat it. 'I shouldn't have hurt you.' he says. You lean forward and kiss him on the lips.  He is surprised and shocked, you smirk at him and leave the room and tell him he is needed back in the office. You have a great plan, to make him your prince charming on the white horse. 

'Your majesty, we can't just take minor regions.' your minister of war says. You play with your chair while watching the door, awaiting the arrival of Ivan.' Everyone is busy with the war. Who would notice if we take back what is ours?' you suggest harshly. Your minister doesn't have a chance to speak, you order your ladies to call the ambassador to tell him they declared war. You turn to your minister. 'We have the same blood and the same religion, why shouldn't we become one?'

The time is pretty late but you still walk around the garden. When you want to check sunflowers, you see Ivan. He is sitting there, looking concerned. 'What's wrong?' you ask. You assume he heard about your decision. 'Don't worry, I will not hurt Ukraine or Belarus... willingly at least. Actually, we need a port in the black sea, we might have to take Crimea as well-' you tell your ideas about expanding Russia, he pulls you and makes you fall. It doesn't hurt since there is a lot of flowers. He looks at your face, examines your (colour) eyes and starts to play your (colour) hair. He leans on you and leaves a kiss on your lips.  

Tsarina ∣ Ruler!Reader x RussiaWhere stories live. Discover now