𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐥𝐝

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'Lady Arsova, can we take a break?' you asked with a quiet voice. You hear quick footsteps coming closer. Your mother entered in the library with several letters in her hand. 'Absolutely not.' she said harshly. She sat across the room, on a red chair. She opened the letter one by one and just took a look for a second. She looked outside with her hand on her cheek then she turned her eyes to you. 'You don't have any zeal inside!' Her eyes were filled with tears of rage. She got up and hold your hand with a feather, about to dip into ink. She tightened it. You started to scream. Your mother looked at your face and pulled her head to her chest. 'Sh... sh... Mommy is here, everything will be alright.' She let you go to get the papers. 'See! Mother has written to King of Poland, Duke of Orleans, King of Hannover, Prince of Cleves...' she threw the papers in front of you. You couldn't say what is on your mind: you didn't want it.

"I don't seem to understand, why I should learn other languages besides Latin and Russian?" You asked your governess. Arsova didn't answer your stupid questions. She was busy with opening your chamber door. Of courseyou need to communicate with future court members. But you already knew Russian.

"Why my mother is writing to those people?" You asked again. Arsova huffed. "Because she needs to inform other nobles that you are an available bride." She said. "Who will look after you if you don't marry? You really wouldn't like to be me" She said sarcastically and helped you to climb your bed.

"(y/n) wake up..." your mother was standing there, staring at you. "We are going to St. Petersburg to your cousin's coronation." She whispered like it is a secret. Your mother was from foreign nobility which didn't like Russia and Russians. But since we married a prince from Russia, she learned to tolerate it.

You got dressed in the middle of the night. All your stuff was packed. When you get on the carriage, you fell into sleep. The carriage was filled with your mother's weird French perfume. Your nose melted during the night, also your head kept hitting the window. You contrived to keep hurting yourself by putting a pillow between your head and mirror. Well, since it was morning it wasn't that effective.

You took your book from a small drawer under the sofa you sat on. It was an old and overused book about politics and one of the few things your father left you.

Your father died a few years after you were born. In a disagreement at dinner. Your mother didn't marry since her parents refused to provide her with money. But she got your hereditary lands since you are underage as regent.

You felt anxious since you knew all of your cousins from your mother's side but you never met your other cousins. You heard a couple of gossip about them but it seems the Swedish court didn't like Russians at all. You looked outside and watched the carriage's entrance to the town. Nobody was riding bears, nobody had scary facial hair.

"(y/n), remember don't talk Russian we are not uncivilized peasants. Always French... maybe Latin." She said and took her fan out and started to wave it. You were watching outside, she hit your leg. "Always... always walk behind me."

Your carriage stopped at an enormous and magnificent palace. People were gathered outside with fancy outfits and huge wigs. First your mother, then you got off and finally had fresh air in your lungs.

You weren't the only ones who had just arrived. Nobles from all of Russia came for this event with their more decorated carriages and their stronger horses.

You were scared to death while standing near your mother. She didn't speak to anyone because she thought she outranked everyone as the princess of Sweden. Everyone looked at you for a second, you were the half blood beauty after all but twice Russian inside. You took a few steps around and glanced at random people but no one came to talk or introduce themselves.

Tsarina ∣ Ruler!Reader x RussiaWhere stories live. Discover now