𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐄𝐫𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲

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'We have to reverse all of Peter III's orders. Our troops are marching to Denmark.' you are talking to yourself. 'Ha, he cared his title of Duke of Holstein than Tsar of Russia!' you say sardonically. Ivan nods. 'If we want to have strong foundations, we can't spend time with wars. We should stand where we are.' Ivan opens a cabinet and takes some paper and ink, puts them on your desk. He also pulls your chair. You sit and begin to write while he is watching you. 'To all Russian troops in Europe, return home as soon as possible. Mother Rus-' you turn to Ivan. 'Erm.' you say. 'Is Mother Russia alright, Ivan?' you ask. He starts to laugh which makes you smile nervously. 'If I am known as a mother, no need to change.' he says. (More like DAddy Russia am I right?)

Ivan gives you, your seal. You imprint your seal on red ink. You start to roll the paper and tie with a red ribbon. You call one of your guards and you hand over the message. There are two things on your mind. One, you need to know what is Russia doing and two, you need money. 

You pour some vodka to your glass, Ivan sitting in front of you. 'Can I ask something?' you say. Ivan takes a sip from the drink. 'Da.' he says. 'I need daily reports from you.' 

After a week, Ivan continuously leaves reports at 6 o'clock. Every report has one thing in common. The Church. 

You call people of religion to your court. 'Gentlemen, thank you for accepting my invitation.' you begin to speak at the dinner table. 'As you know, we are now broke. I called all my armies back to the motherland and cut some expenses of nobles.' Everyone is looking at you. Thinking what could possibly (age) year old can say to honourable men of the church. 'But, I see you are not patriotic and don't appreciate my efforts to save our economy.' you begin to walk around the table. 'You spend nothing to charity.' You touch chairs and glance at Ivan who seems to have no emotion. You smile at him. 'Nothing to education for our children who are future of this empire' you start to raise your voice, trying to make a good impression and show them you are a strong ruler. 'Nothing, not a penny to hospitals neither.' You come back at your seat. 'I ask you, where is the money?' A man in black outfit tries to speak but you silence him 'Where is the money you steal from Russia?' you yell at him. You sure make everyone scared. Ivan comes closer, puts his hands on your shoulders, smiling. 

You go back to your office with some high priests of the church. You begin to write. 'All church property belongs to the state.' you dip your feather into ink. 'But, your majesty-' a priest shuts up with a glance you give. 'All church serfs are peasants who are now has a responsibility to government, taxes. ' you make art with the feather, god knows where all the money went which could be spent in the sake of Russia. 'All church officials are now a state employee.' you write and look up.' Which means you have to answer me, only me.' 

When all officers left, Ivan hugs you tight. 'You did it!' he cheers. You stop him and hold his hands. 'This is only the beginning my sweet Ivan.' you kiss him on the cheek. He escorts you to your chambers. He opens the door and watches you going to bed. He is going to leave the room but you stop him. 'Can I ask you a question?' you ask. He closes the door. 'Hm?'

'Why... Ivan?'

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