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Rumors had been going around. People were assuming lots of things about Shaun. And Dallon hadn't showed up at school. Shaun must be worried sick. I had been trying to contact Dallon all morning. I was on my last strand of hope, thinking he might respond.

In Life Skills Shaun was so nervous, I could see him sweating. He kept asking about Dallon. I honestly thought he might have a break down. If Dallon isn't okay, Shaun won't be either. I hurry to my locker to get ready for Pre-Calc. I can barely focus on the work were doing the entire class period. Mr. Macks tries to get me to pay attention, but I'm just too far gone.

The rest of the school day is uneventful. After Honors English, I pass a gaggle of girls whispering, cupping their hands to their mouths and giggling. When I pass by I hear something about Shaun. I pause and listen in on their conversation.

I tall girl with short red hair laughs obnoxiously, throwing her head back, and gasping. A shorter girl nods enthusiastically and says rather loudly.

"Yeah, he's totally gay. Derrick told me that in the locker room, he stares at them after they take their showers. He is such a faggot" I don't know who this Derrick is, but I want to kick him in the balls, really hard. I turn around, and walk right up to the gossipers.

"First of all you sluts," the girls collectively gasp, yeah real shocker, but they can call Shaun whatever they want. "Shaun is a precious human, and if you want to talk shit behind someone's back, you can bring it to me. Got it?" The group nods awkwardly. I continue, "He never did anything to you, and you can say what you want about him, but he'll be better than you ever will!" I pause. "Also you're all whores." They uncomfortably walk away. I stomp off. I'm still mad, but those girls don't matter, they're all bimbos anyway. I'm just so worried about Dallon.

I furiously tear my phone from my pocket, and stare at the screen.

One message pops up in my notifications.


I almost drop my phone, my fingers are shaking. I slowly type in my password, and open my inbox. The message appears before me.

Dallon: Hey Kristina. I know I didn't show up to school today, and you all must be worried sick. But... something's happened. Last night after dropping Shaun off, my dad confronted me. He... said that Shaun's dad had asked if he knew about our relationship. Well things got out of hand.

I open my mouth in horror. A tear leaks out of my eye. Oh my God. I fucked up. Luckily Honors English is my last class, I send out a text on the group chat.


Without waiting for their responses, I rush down the hallway to my sedan.

I lean on the hood and stare at the clouds. I'm startled suddenly by Zoe sitting next to me. "What happened?" She asks. I silently pull phone out of my pocket, open the message from Dallon, and hand it to her. She reads it quickly, gasping softly at the end. Wordlessly she gives it back to me. A minute later, Shaun jogs out of the building, panting. He interrogates me and Zoe. Once he realizes what's happened, he covers his mouth with his hand.

I order them to get in the car, and they quickly do so. Zoe claims passenger side, and Shaun clambers in the back. I turn the key and gun the engine. We're speeding down the road, and I'm forced to continuously slow down for other cars, signs, and stop lights. I try to go the speed limit, but it's nearly impossible.

Shaun is making quiet choking noises in the backseat, as if he still can't believe the full scope of what's happened. I whizz past other cars, the sounds of their horns lost, replaced by the blood pounding in my ears.

I turn sharply on to Dallon's street, I scan either side of the road for his house, I've only been there once, for a football party.

There. At the end of the street on the right side. A medium sized house, painted a pale peeling blue, with small upper level, a slightly overgrown front lawn, and a shining red truck parked in front of it. The curtains are drawn, and the silence is deafening. I park on the curb, and open my door.

I'm not ready for this.

But I'll have to be.

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