Prologue - 2

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Y/N - Good work today, guys

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Y/N - Good work today, guys.

There's a satisfying clink as our glasses meet in a toast. We're seated in our usual seats at the bar. The owner, Yumiko, smiles as she exhales a tendril of cigarette smoke.

 The owner, Yumiko, smiles as she exhales a tendril of cigarette smoke

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Yumiko - You two men look especially beat.

Jungkook - Mostly just because our client today was an asshole.

Yoongi - Let it go. The client didn't like plan A. Just accept that already.

Jungkook - Whatever. I don't care. Screw it.

Yoongi - Look..

Yumiko - You two never change.

Y/N - Still though, I'm impressed. You must be really perspective to be able to pick up on the fact that these guys are tired. Especially Yoongi.

Jungkook - Man's got a mask for a face.

Yumiko - Oh, haven't I told you? I have special talent for seeing things that others can't.

Her meaningful words make me gulp.

Y/N - You mean like... auras and spirits and stuff?

Yumiko - Haha, you think I'm crazy?

Y/N - Oh, not at all. If anything, I'm impressed. That's really cool.

Yoongi - You believe in ghosts?

Y/N - Yeah. A long time ago, my pet dog died suddenly one day.... But after he died, I swear he came to visit me again one last time. I mean, it could have just been a dream, too, but...Still, I couldn't help wanting to believe it.

Jungkook - Maybe he did come back, yeah.

The ice in Jungkook's glass shifts as it melts, the sound ringing out in the quite bar.

Jungkook - Maybe your dog did come back for a last goodbye before going on to the next life. I bet he must have loved you as much as you loved him.

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