Chapter - 8

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Y/N - I did it again

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Y/N - I did it again...

After my fight with Jungkook, I find myself back in the same familiar park. Even after everything that happened in this park, here I am.... Habit is a scary thing. I sigh, taking a sip from the can of coffee I bought from the vending machine already. Still, more than anything, the reason I was able to set foot in this park.... is probably because Kook came back. What's wrong with me? Here we are together again, and I go and spoil things by fighting with him. But come to think of it, we always did bicker a lot. Jungkook's personality goes without saying, but I'm not exactly the quiet type, myself. Clashes of opinion were always common between us. There's nothing new, there. But honestly, I kind of enjoyed our fights too, once they were over. Jungkook was always so awkwardly sweet when we were making up with each other... I loved watching him when he was like that.

Y/N - Maybe I'll head back home now.

I find myself thinking of that fateful day -- The one that should have been our last together. As I do, I feel a png in my heart. I never want to feel that way again... I've cooled down now. I'm gonna try talking to Kook again.

Y/N - ...And apologize to him. It's a delicate problem... I should have spent more time thinking of how to bring it up to him.

Jungkook - Dummy.

Y/N - Huh?

Jungkook - If you give up just like that... I'm gonna end up losing my chance again...

Jungkook! When did he get here...?

He turns away from me and i can see a hue of red reaching his ears. He lightly bites on his lower lip as he looks everywhere else except towards me. He seems to glow faintly as he stands in the dimly lit park. The way he awkwardly averts his eyes causes a flood of warmth to rise up in my chest.

Jungkook - ...Say something already.

Y/N - What do you mean about losing your chance again?

Jungkook - ...You could have picked anything but that, sheesh. Take a guess.

Y/N - Haha, come on, that's a tall order...

Jungkook - Quit laughing.

Kook swings his fist at me in a playful punch. Then he extends his hand towards me.

Jungkook - Anyway, you should not run out in the middle of the night. Some random guy might try to pick you up. There are all kinds of weirdos out there, you know?

I raise up my eyebrows...

Y/N - So what, you're saying someone'd have to be a weirdo to want to pick me up?

Jungkook - Yeah. I mean, you're not exactly oozing sex appeal.


Y/N - So who's the weirdo who was just trying to kiss me?

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