Chapter 11

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Kook and I are together on an island off of Spain's coast. It seems to sparkle there in front of us, enveloped in the azure waters and the starry night sky.

Y/N - Wow, it's beautiful... Hey there's a building carved into the cliff bordering the island.

Jungkook - It's a church.

Y/N - Oh. Come to think of it, I think I saw that in a book somewhere. Wasn't the architect Korean?

Jungkook - Huh, so you've heard of it before.

Y/N - Yeah, but I'm blanking on the architect's name. It's on the tip of my tongue, too....Argh... They were famous for something else...

While I'm racking my brains, Kook chuckles. He opens his mouth to answer me just as a strong night breeze blows through.

Jungkook - Tatsumi.

Y/N - Huh?

Jungkook - That's the architect's name. Jeon Tatsumi.

Y/N - Oh, right! Tatsumi!

Tatsumi is a famous architect known for bringing a breath of fresh air into the modern industry. He travels the world to work on smaller and medium-scale buildings such as museums and churches.

Y/N - Tatsumi's work has a unique feeling to it, too. How can I put it...

Jungkook - While using materials like glass and concrete alongside modern design concepts... He always incorporates a natural element in his work. Tatsumi's known for creating buildings with a deep connection to nature -- wind and sky, water and light. His works carry a strong impression of putting the place of their creation first and foremost.

Y/N - Wow, you really know your stuff! That sounds kind of like the direction you're aiming for with your work, too.

Jungkook - Huh...?

Y/N - You were talking before about how important it was to value lifestyle and environment when creating a building.

Jungkook - Oh, I guess I did... Much as I hate to admit it, I guess I did end up resembling him.

Y/N - What do you mean?

Jungkook - Jeon Tatsumi is my dad.

Y/N - Hm? Whoa. What the heck?!?

Jungkook - Sheesh, keep your voice down...

Y/N - Sorry. But I mean, that's pretty shocking news... So that means that your mom and Jeon Tatsumi were...?

Jungkook - Yeah, they were married. They broke up after a few years, though. I don't remember him at all.


Jungkook - I was in high school when I found out about him being my dad. That's what first got me interested in architecture.

Y/N - That must have come as some surprise to you. I mean, having a famous person as a dad...

Jungkook - Nah, that part felt more unreal than anything. But it did get me into reading the architectural books we had lying around at home... Thinking of it now, those must have been left behind by my dad.

Jungkook says, gazing off into the distance at the cliff wall housing the church.

Jungkook - Really is something, isn't it. I feel like it was the need to build something even better that drove me this far.

Y/N - Kook...

Jungkook - I wanted to surpass my dad someday.... Though I'll never be able to catch up to him now.

His low, husky voice makes me glance sharply over at him. I see admiration in his face, along with a tinge of regret.

Y/N - ...

Jungkook - Why are you making that face? Don't worry about it. Besides, it's not like I...

Y/N - Hey. I know buildings aren't always guaranteed to be there forever either, but.... There's also a chance that they'll stay behind to pass on all sorts of things to the people who see and live in them. It makes me think, isn't that part of architecture's role?

Jungkook - Staying behind...?

Y/N - Don't say that you'll never catch up to your dad. I'm sure the building built along the path you've walked up until now... have made, and will continue to make, more people happy than you realize. So...

Jungkook - Why are you the one crying, here?

His voice is gentle even as he grumbles at me. I know there must be so much more he wanted to create... For reaching his dream... Going on to be even greater than his dad... But Kook's time has stopped, now. When he talks about impossibilities, that's what he means.

Jungkook - You're sure talented, crying in my place for me like that.

Y/N - It's nothing to do with talent...

Jungkook - Guess I'll stick with 'dependable', then.

Kook says with a smile. Seeing him like that just make me want to cry even harded.

Jungkook - Hey. Lend me your shoulder.

Y/N - N-No way.

Jungkook - You're seriously picking this time to turn me down?

Y/N - Well, I've been crying. My face must be a total mess.

Jungkook - Who cares? It's not bad, anyways.

Y/N - Hey! Don't look!

Jungkook - Quit hiding! 

After chatting like this for a while, Kook suddenly speaks up brightly.

Jungkook - Anyway, though... Come to think of it, there wasn't actually any reason for me to give up.

Y/N - Huh?

Jungkook - I just have to hurry up and be born again, then pass by my dad in my next life before he knows what hit him. My dream lives on, eternal. How do you like that.

Y/N - I dunno, is the reincarnation process really that fast? We're not exactly talking instant noodles, here. And what'll you do if you're reborn as a cockroach or something?

Jungkook sounds chuckling.

Jungkook - I can pull off human. It's me we're talking about. My karma's good.

Y/N - I'm not really finding a solid basis for your reasoning, here. But... Haha. It's weird. I can't help feeling like you'd be able to manage it, anyway.

Jungkook - Right?

I bet this church is even more beautiful when the morning sunlight hits it... I won't be able to be with Kook when I see it, but still...

Y/N - I'll never forget the way this place look right now, you know.

Jungkook - ...Yeah. Me neither. Probably, anyway.

Y/N - Did you really need to add that last part?

Jungkook - Kidding, kidding. I'm glad we were able to make it here together.

It's up to me to remember... The things Kook was reaching for, the things he wasn't able to achieve...


A/N - A present for you on JK's bday!!!! YES! it's my baby's bday!!! Happy birthday to you Jungkook!! The inspiration to all my stories and all the work i do! I love him so much and i hope he forever stays happy! I am in a mood today and i have decided to update one chapter to all my stories!!! ENJOY!

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